Rudolf Tischner first coined the term ESP in 1921. Tischner was a German opthamologist fascinated by the occult, as were many Europeans in the late Victorian era through the early 20th century, evidenced by Britain's Society for Psychical Research founded in 1882. Tischner tried to create a similar society in Germany but was unsuccessful. When I saw the dates Tischner practiced, I began to get that creeping feeling you get when you know something is wrong...some call it a hunch, others, intuition, and yet others, like Tischner, may even call it clairvoyance.
Tischner was a Nazi. I knew it, though you won't find that on Wikipedia. You won't find that anywhere, actually. But if you know where to look, you can find even the dirtiest little secrets this world has chosen to hide. Why? Because Tischner made contributions to science that the world doesn't want to connect with the atrocities of Nazism, though it was through the very rule of the Nazi that such contributions were possible.
Tischner is quoted as saying that, "in the Third Reich organic medicine (homeopathy) has found a respect that it never, not in its wildest dreams, imagined that it would achieve." This is from a Nazi book on racial hygiene published by Harvard. The first copyright was in 1945; second copyright, 1988. One of the reviewers, Frances Groen of McGill University's Medical Library, said that "Proctor (the author) is too good of a historian to indulge in moralistic judgements...." Well, that says it all right there, doesn't it? Moralistic judgements??? There is definitive right. There is definitive wrong. By using the phrase "moralistic judgement," Groen implies that the horrors of Nazi medicine were not definitive. In other words, nobility can be found in Nazi medicine...even if that "medicine" was closer to voodoo and human sacifice. Read on!
The "period" in "German medicine" Proctor documented wasn't was torture. Torture sanctioned not only by the German government of the time, but by the world. I suppose I'm in utter awe that people refuse to see barbarity, even when it stares them blankly in the face. Would you like to know what this "work of stature and significance" (as claimed by Frances Groen) describes?
Though the world acknowledges that 12-million people were killed during Hitler's reign, 6-million of whom were exclusively Jewish per Hitler's "Final Solution," everyone doesn't always recognize HOW those deaths occurred. Yes, people were jammed into barracks that were too small, weren't fed or allowed to bathe and were death. Yes, part of the torture was feeding people rotten food in the concentration camps and only providing very, very limited toilets or even usage of the toilets available, creating essentially a sess-pool of human sewage that people were FORCED to live in...and subsequently die in. Yes, people were chosen to be burned in massive ovens as a method of extermination. But there were also experiments, really, tortures, visited on thousands upon thousands. Experiments that followed Rudolph Steiner's 1924 method of ridding rabbits from a particular German agricultural estate by spraying the ashes of rabbit spleens and testes across the estate. That's right, high potency ashes of the same parts of young Jews were sprayed all over the Third Reich for the same effect. Did you know that? Could you ever HATE another human being THAT MUCH that you'd WANT that kind of thing to happen?
While the Nazi's frowned on parapsychology (the discipline that studies psychic phenomenon, and one of Tischner's fields), they embraced homeopathic medicine. And yes, the horrible "experiment" described above was considered part of that body of work, included in the "work of stature and significance" that Harvard University published in 1945, and again in 1988.
These disgusting, amoral and horrific "experiments" were justified by the Nuremberg Race Laws that were put into full effect in 1935.
When we look at the situation in Israel today, it amazes me how FEW people truly UNDERSTAND the history of GLOBAL ANTI-SEMITISM and WHY it is IMPORTANT to NOT ALLOW HISTORY TO REPEAT ITSELF. My God, we don't need to be psychics or have a capacity for claivoyance to see what is happening, do we?
I made a difficult choice seventeen years ago. I chose not to eat meat of any kind, including fish, because I DID NOT WANT TO SUSTAIN MY LIFE THROUGH THE DEATH OF ANOTHER. The choice was difficult because I enjoyed the flavor of meat but intellectually recognized what a selfish act it was when I could readily find other protein and iron sources that did not require another creature's death. Most of the world doesn't see eating another creature's flesh to sustain their own as problematic. But you can see where this is headed, don't you? ALL life is sacred. We don't get to pick and choose. When we begin to cast judgement over life, any life, all other lives become compromised. The results of this kind of dichotomy is EXACTLY what happened in Nazi Germany. The Nazi's succeeded in making the world believe that Jews were less-than other humans. Like cows or chickens or lamb, it was okay to kill Jews, because Jews weren't really people. Funny, the Nazi's didn't seem to mind taking Jewish homes, property, clothing, art, jewelry, furniture, or money...but no one thinks about that, do they? And though it would be a different kind of genocide if Israel is not PROTECTED from the rampant global anti-Semiticism still happening today, the Holocaust may not always be a part of our past but a part of our future, too, if we're not more mindful. I'm not making a "moralistic judgement" here. Please, eat meat. Just know that you may be biting off more than you can chew.
Hannah Arendt discussed how the first step in disembodying people from their rights is to remove citizenship. She was correct. That's how it started in Germany. And in the States and other parts of Europe, like Britain, women only gained political protection when given a political voice through the right to vote. Without it, we'd be nothing more than chattel, or cattle, if you'd prefer.
The irony here is in NO WAY IS IT EVER GOOD TO BREAK THE WEB OF HUMANITY. We are ALL connected. Difference in ideas or countenance or skin color or geography or culture does not indicate any kind of deficiency. PUT A HIGH VALUE ON ALL LIFE. If you don't, you may find yourself a victim of your own hypocrisy. There is not one among us who is better than anyone else on the planet. Why is that so difficult to accept? No, not why. Why not--why not accept every other human on the planet as no better or worse than you are yourself??? You may want to cite theology, ideology, politics..,but ideas are not something to fear. Because, it is not ideas that make you consider ushering judgement on another, it is FEAR itself.
Believing in ESP is optional. Believing in REASON is not.