We marked June 1st as our half-way point to success in January. In February, we talked about starting small. Sticking with one new change for a month. June 1st is in 61 days. That may seem like a "long" time, but 90 days have passed since we first set that goal. How have you moved yourself closer to personal success in that time?
It's okay if you haven't achieved every short term goal you set in the last 90 days. But, with 61 days remaining before the halfway point of #2017, this is the right time to take stock. Without beating yourself up (no self-sabotage allowed!), note how, when and where you can improve your efforts in order to improve your chances of future success.
Remember, you are the boss of your own life. You may need a full-time job to pay the bills, but YOU and YOUR HAPPINESS are your REAL full-time job. Yes, that means working overtime to achieve your goals so you can follow your bliss, whatever that may be, but you are worth every effort! Still, it is hard to stick to changes when life happens. And, life happens every day.
Today's essay is your "limitless" pill. Yes, like the film. Except, it doesn't come with Bradley Cooper's magnetic blue eyes. It won't change who you are either. But with these words, you can clear away all the mind-garbage and get to work on that idea you have. You know the one--it's the thing you keep putting off because you're daunted by it. Whether it's starting a new business, a new creative project, building a family, a home, or, reuniting with "the one who got away," when you get the idea itself, you also get ALL the light (or energy) you need to make it happen. But, there's a catch....
You may get all the energy you need to make it happen when you first conceive of the idea, BUT, you have to be strong enough to push through the obstacles in order to access that energy. The distractions. The detours. The road blocks. You have to be committed. Stay the course. Be undeterred. That's harder than it sounds.
If you're human and an adult, it's likely you've been beaten up a little by the world. I know I have. And, the burden of the consequences of another's actions is very difficult to digest. Those consequences are the essence of trauma.
Trauma is something you just can't shake. Survival is why. We learn new fears from trauma. Those fears are meant to help us survive, not thrive. In fact, fear inevitably prevents us from thriving. However, just existing is not a real life. Yes, you're alive, but you're not living. In order to take full advantage of the life you currently have, you must learn to be selective when listening to fear. But, how can you do that? That's where my literary "limitless" pill comes in handy.
Your trigger phrase is #NoMoreFear to push you to get started. But when you inevitably stall from the seemingly innumerable distractions provided by life, remember the word, #limitless.
You are truly unlimited, but our physicality often blinds us from seeing our own potential. A messy house, a flat tire, a bad boyfriend, an awful boss, a difficult child, a negative person who haunts your dreams and persecutes you for your religion--wait a minute, I think that's just me, lol. Whatever your reason(s) for feeling overwhelmed, we all have traumas that stick with us. We blame others for holding us back...but, look at yourself right now: Are there chains on your wrists? Do you have shackles on your ankles? If you answered "no" to these questions than you can say "yes" to your #limitless potential. You just have to want to.
When things get tough, it's your cue to get tougher. That's the bottomline. No more excuses! You can cry whenever you want, as long as you don't stop moving forward.
Screenshot the list below and make it the background on your phone:
1. I am worthy of #happiness.
2. I am worthy of real #love.
3. I am worthy of #success.
4. I have good #ideas.
5. I have all the #light I need to manifest #PositiveEnergy
6. #StartSmall...one step at a time, one day at a time.
7. #NoMoreFear...I control my thoughts, therefore I control my emotions.
8. #Limitless...I have invisible #Wings.
9. #Rise...the gravity of this world does not affect me.
10. #Faith...I am #connected to and #beloved by the #Universe.
11. #Undaunted...every failure is just another #opportunity for success.
Read over these #11 points each day. Use the words with hashtags as triggers to help you get through whatever difficulty is before you. The number #11 is considered the primary #MasterNumber in #Numerology and symbolizes #Awakening and the beginning of unconditional love. Practice unconditional love of the self, and you will be able to give it to others in the future.
#2017 is your year! In 60 days, you will have completed the foundation for future success if you stay on track. Use my #11-point plan for improved mental clarity to say "ba-bye" to the mind-garbage and "hello" to more opportunity, better health and improved wealth.
I believe in you! Now, it's your turn to do the same....