DR. REBECCA A. HOUSEL donates a portion of ALL book proceeds to special nonprofit organizations...by reading #DocRAH, you become a partner in repairing the world through words:
ASPCA: The American Society to Prevent Cruelty to Animals is a well-known nonprofit organization that helps save neglected animals from abusive homes, offering medical services, food, shelter, and much needed love to a truly vulnerable population. The ASPCA also helps match these deserving animals with families who will love and care for these poor, mistreated creatures. Animals do nothing to provoke man's cruelty and yet, they are the ones who suffer from it most. With no ability to defend themselves, communicate to others, or leave the situation, animals--more than anyone else on the planet--need our help. Please visit the website to learn more, donate and volunteer:
4-H Camp Bristol Hills Campership Fund: Camp 4-H Bristol Hills, part of the Cornell Cooperative Extension, provides one-week overnight and daytime camping experiences to children and teens, ages 7-16 in Bristol, New York. The camp helps teach kids about environmental responsibility, recycling and sustainability through a variety of fun and engaging activities within a wooded, mountain setting. The camp features a fishing pond, archery range, pottery facilities, olympic-sized lap pool, and a number of designated nature trails and camp-sites for orienteering, astronomy, hiking, canoeing, and kayaking. There are also rocketry classes and a variety of other fun, educational learning experiences for young people of all ages. The Campership Fund helps deserving children from low-income families go to camp for 1-2 weeks each summer. To learn more, donate, and/or volunteer, please visit the website:
Cape Abilities is a nonprofit organization located on Cape Cod that helps provide activities, jobs, homes, and transportation to people with disabilities. The Cape Abilities farm gives people with all levels of disability the opportunity to grow fresh, organic produce, care for farm animals, learn to bee-keep, and then use those skills to benefit the larger Cape-community. This organization provides important social connections and services to a largely forgotten portion of the American population, including educational opportunities, independent living, and empowering the socially vulnerable through remarkable efforts that greatly improve both the quality and quantity of life for those with disabilities. To learn more and/or donate, and, volunteer, please visit the Cape Abilities website:
Children Awaiting Parents (CAP): CAP is the only nonprofit organization in the United States that helps older/teen children, children with siblings, and children with disabilities who have been forgotten in the foster-system for far-too long find "Forever Families." Two-time Academy Award-winning actress, Hilary Swank, was once a homeless teen living out of her car. Today, she and her production company are big supporters of CAP. But you don't need to be famous to volunteer, donate, and/or, consider adopting any of these amazing young people. Just simply check out their website:
Children's Restoration Network (CRN): CRN is a nonprofit serving Greater Atlanta for nearly a quarter-of-a-century in support of more than 3,000 homeless children and their mothers. Homelessness is often associated with addiction and mental illness, but anyone can become homeless if you lose a job or your health. The Children's Restoration Network is a compassionate voice in a world where apathy is more common than not. Children are the future of this world. CRN is insuring it's a better one. You can help do the same. To learn more, please click the link below:
Soles4Souls is an American nonprofit that donated more than 11-million pairs of shoes to people in need all over the globe. After recent natural disasters in places like Puerto Rico, Chile, Japan, Haiti, China, and of course, states like Texas, Florida, Washington, California, Alabama, and Mississippi, Soles4Souls is often first on the scene with not only replacement shoes for people who have lost everything, but clothing, bedding, and emergency supplies. To learn more about the organization, please visit:
The Willow Center is a women's shelter in Upstate New York that helps protect women and children at risk from domestic violence. Violence-against-women (VAW) was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. You can see the proof in things like the US statistics on annual femicide--more than 72% of female murder victims are killed by a male stalker, the majority of whom were former intimate partners of the victims. Any woman is vulnerable to violence thanks to male-centric laws that make arrests difficult. If no one is arrested, no charges can be brought, making it even easier for men to continue abusing women. Federal funding for women's shelters was cut in 2015...that meant approximately 70,000 women nationwide either became homeless, or, were forced to return to an abuser each month of that year. Places like the Willow Center are a refuge for women and children vulnerable to domestic violence, abuse, poverty, and homelessness. You can learn more by visiting the Willow Center website: