Every day is a new day, a new chance. If you've made mistakes, every time the Sun rises, you have another opportunity to make things right. We all mess up. It's just part of being human. Maybe facing those things we did poorly makes us feel weak, cowardly, less-than. Feeling any of those things is uncomfortable. More often than not, rather than feel discomfort, you just avoid the "problem," even if that problem is you. The irony? If you just faced whatever it is you did wrong, took responsibility, everything would improve. You'd actually gain confidence. You'd feel more powerful, less stress. You'd even feel brave. Because, you are.
Courage is all about being scared out of your mind, but doing what you know is right anyway. Pretty simple, eh???
Facing our fears, usually involving the worst reflections of ourselves, is never simple or easy. But you are here to break free of that karma. By the way, the clock turned 9:11, an 11:11 minute, when I wrote the above about breaking free of your karma (9+1+1=11).
Sometimes, the Universe sends us messages. You find the same synchronicities keep showing up in your life. Numbers are the universal language. Mathematics. What is your math telling you?
Maybe the numbers show up on the clock. It's a clock. You'd expect that, right? But what if those same numbers started appearing everywhere else? At gas stations, on the inside of your yoga pants after part of the label wears away, on receipts, the TV, simply walking down the street and seeing it on license plates, etched in the dirt patch on the side of the road, and, in the very clouds in the sky??? Just so you know, when I looked up at the clock right now, it turned 9:20 (9+2+0=11).
Albert Einstein said there are no coincidences in the physical universe. And, clearly, there aren't. But what is a synchronicity? What does it mean??? If you see "11's" everywhere, chances are good it means you are awakening. Many who feel they are on a #TwinFlame journey are hoping to find or reunite with the person they feel is their other half when the number "11" is doubled. But even if you're Destiny does not include the #TwinFlame journey in this lifetime, synchronicities can help you understand yourself better, and, point you in the right direction to improving your life.
The term "synchronicity" was used by psychiatrist, Carl Jung, to describe a series of events that point a person in a certain direction. One of Jung's notes on the subject included a patient of his, sitting in his office, telling him about a dream that had to do with a golden scarab. At that moment, a golden scarab found it's way into the room where doctor and patient were sitting. Was the patient psychic? Did she see that happen? Or, did she make it happen? Was it the power of positive thinking, drawing to her what she wanted to make manifest???
Jung felt synchronicities such as the scarab meant a "falling together of time." For Jung, a student of the paranormal, synchronicities, or what he considered "meaningful coincidence," was a phenomenon of merging energies. Though nearly impossible to definitively prove a causal, or cause and effect, relationship between synchronous events, it nonetheless has meaning.
Physicists like Wolfgang Pauli studied Jung's work on synchronicity. Pauli was nominated for a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1945 by Albert Einstein. The Pauli Principle uses spin theory to help define the structure of matter. It would seem scientists like Pauli and Jung and Einstein were constantly trying to make physical sense out of energy principles. Energy, unlike matter, is unlimited. Because we humans are limited by our physicality, it is nearly impossible for us to fully conceive of how energy works. Even by trying, we are putting limits on something that has none. Energy is infinite. No beginning, no end. Matter is fixed in space and time. It's a/effected by gravity. By things like radiation. Matter degrades. It ages. Energy doesn't.
So when we talk about synchronicities, #Destiny, life paths, and #TwinFlames, we are really talking about energy. Things we can't see, yet we know exist. We can "feel" it. And many of the most brilliant minds born to humanity have tried to quantify it, measure it, label it...make "it" make sense. Give it form, meaning. Einstein did just that when he ruled out coincidence in the physical world. Just because we may not be able to see or identify the causality, does not mean it doesn't exist. In fact, it does exist. It has to. Or, there would be no synchronicity in the first place.
You always have a choice. You can face your fears. Or, you can turn your back. Just remember, there are no coincidences. Running away only delays the inevitable, it doesn't prevent it. We all have free will. Including me. We don't have to follow the signs or pay attention to things like synchronicity. We can ignore life-parallels. We can argue away numerology, astrology...but we can't deny the math. Believe me, I've tried. To no avail. Two-plus-two will always equal four. My soul number is a four. And math has a way of holding us accountable. Because, numbers don't lie, even when we do.
Whatever today's numbers add up to for you, make it a great day. Remember that there are no coincidences. Remember that there is more to heaven and earth than dreamt of in our philosophies. And, remember, just because we cannot yet see why events are related, our limitations do not negate the existence of what is very real. That's not a negotiable statement either. It has been proven by Albert Einstein himself. Synchronous events are just another example of Relativity and Special Relativity, but that's a topic for another spacetime.
When you work from a place of positive energy, you will find yourself becoming less reactive and more proactive. You'll start to view "mistakes" as opportunities for learning and growth, not sources of fear, shame and guilt. You'll also begin to see solutions instead of problems; as you do, all the synchronicities, signs and symbols you've experienced will finally make sense. And, that's not a coincidence....
#TwinFlame #1111 Post-script: The clock just turned 11:29 or 11:11 (2+9=11)....