Happy #1111 day!
My day started at 4:34am (4+3+4=11), and ALL DAY, "11's" have followed me around the clock. I also saw 8:08, 9:09, 10:01, 10:10, 12:21, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, and 4:44. All of which have numerological meaning. It's funny how the smallest details in life can suddenly become mini-miracles. Every time you assign purpose to an event, you give it meaning.
I have become more mindful of the little things in life as a result of loss. Gratitude has replaced attitude. I understand now that I'm capable of unconditional love. My kindness and compassion have expanded tenfold. And, I perceive the world differently. Even the clouds in the sky speak to me. My faith that there is a plan, a purpose, has been renewed. A purpose-driven life is the best life any human can hope to achieve. Purpose is everything.
When you believe there is a reason for certain events unfolding in the way they do, it softens even the most heart-wrenching of tragedies. You can forgive yourself and others more easily. You also begin to see how the different threads weave together in a larger tapestry, creating a cohesive picture. Everything is connected, including our very thoughts.
Prince, the musical genius from the #Twin Cities, recently passed away; it was sudden. Given his age, his loss was even more tragic. But one of the things that came out about the man, the myth, and now legend, was that he believed everything was connected.
Prince was a spiritual man. A friend of his worked as a news personality, and commented after his death on a recent conversation the two had. She had called him out of the blue a week before his death, saying she was thinking about him. He had been thinking of her, too. Prince believed that's how it worked. A connection is only a connection because it exists on both ends, or, it wouldn't exist. That's the main premise of the #TwinFlame narrative--an undying, infinite connection.
About two months ago, I started acupuncture treatments for my heart. It's broken, you see. Nothing can fix it. The number "1:11" has been present for me for a week now. That number essentially means I have the ability to create my own reality. My thoughts, my words, my writing...all contribute to effecting change today, tomorrow and in the future. If I am the author of my own story, how would I want it to go from here?
You may think it an easy question to answer. But, it isn't. As individuals, we can only control our own fate. And, when it comes to love, or rather, lost love, there is another soul involved who must act with equal courage or you will feel heartbreak forever. How do we bridge the sometimes formidable distance between hearts? The gaps? And, fill the holes left by arrows??? I found white caulk worked rather well....
What? Your story doesn't include being hunted with arrows??? How very dull of you. I'm kidding. About the dull part, not the arrows. Sadly, that's all-too-real. But so am I. And, I can still change my story. Just like you. That goes for anyone out there who needs a happy ending....
By the way, you and only you can influence your story. Haters out there (of which there are many) can do nothing but hurt themselves with their negative energy. Negative people are reactive people. Let their immaturity and hateful natures do their worst. When you are a positive force of nature, as ALL #TwinFlames are theorized to be, there is nothing that can change that. You are unconditional love made manifest in a physical body. You are not sad or pathetic or living in a fantasy world. You are hopeful, faithful, a survivor. You live in the "real" world--a world that is not run by printed paper issued by power-hungry men.
Positive people are proactive. Proactive people are unlimited. Whether rich, poor, educated, uneducated, from cities, or the rural South...it doesn't matter. Those are all differences derived from pieces of paper. Money. And money has no value anymore. There's not enough gold behind American paper to give it true value. The two are no longer tied to each other. That green paper isn't even meaningful today. You can simply have "theoretical" money represented by your phone, your watch, your tablet. We all need money to live. Buy shelter, food and transportation. But money is of no use when it comes to real love.
Debt is a terrible thing. That's where money comes in handy. But it has been my experience that money follows purpose. No matter where you are on your journey, remember that you are an infinite being. You are quite literally heaven-sent. If you ask for help, and move in that general direction, you will receive it. I'm not saying you'll win the lottery. I'm saying that you'll succeed at whatever it is you have to do to increase your wealth and decrease your debt...as long as you operate from a place of proactive positive energy.
I sometimes watch Joel Osteen, a Texas preacher who I'm quite sure is a #TwinFlame. He uses a religious context, but if you substitute "the Universe" for "God," you can hear the positive energy, the proactive, purpose-driven soul behind Osteen's preacher-persona. Osteen will sometimes say things like, "You are anointed...," meaning, your soul was sent by the Universe for a very specific purpose. Whether you feel yourself to be a #TwinFlame or not, that purpose does not include failure. Failure is a temporary trial on the path to success. So, when your journey is daunted and/or haunted by things like arrows...the story ain't over yet. In fact, it's only just begun.
YOU write your own story. No one else. You open your eyes each day. You take every breath. You put one foot in front of the other. So why is it you believe someone other than you controls your life? Your direction???
It is you, and only you who decides what happens next. No, you can't make your #Twin do what you want. But, why would you want that anyway??? We all deserve people who appreciate us. Who won't take us for granted. If that's not your #Twin right now, live. Love. Laugh. You have this life but once. You will not live it again. Your #Twin will eventually catch up. Especially if you continue thinking, feeling and living your own happy endings.
Your story is not over. Not yet. Neither is mine.
We are all obligated to live our best lives. Being self-aware increases your freedom and removes limits, not the other way around. That's part of the benefit of unconditional love. But even if you are a reader who does not relate to the #TwinFlame narrative, unconditional love has the same benefits for everyone.
Surround yourself with positive energy. Positive people. People who help improve your mind, your body, your soul. Settle for nothing less. But, if your heart is as stubborn as mine, take a deep breath. Do your best to find a purpose. Help others. Give generously of yourself and your gifts. Don't just shine, BE #Light itself. And, one day, you may see someone familiar walk toward you. At first, it will seem like a dream. But it will not be a dream.
You are the hero of your own story. So, be a hero. No matter what.
#TwinFlame #1111 Post-script: As I completed the edits on this piece, the clock turned to 11:56, or 11:11....