In case you haven't guessed yet, the gloves are off. Especially for those who have been rather naughty--and not in the good way. You know who you are. Not that it matters what you know. You no longer matter. My compassion, kindness and generosity were things you may have benefitted from in the past. Sadly, that's no longer possible. So let me be the first to welcome you. Where? Why, to a whole new world.
Neanderthals are extinct. With perhaps few exceptions. Know how they were wiped off the face of Planet Earth? Me. That's right. Oh, how terribly rude. I've not yet introduced myself properly. My name is #Chaos, though some refer to me as #Evolution...heard there's a great kitsch movie with the same name starring a sex addict. He plays a professor who saves the world. Now THAT's what I'm talking about! Irony. Professors I've had dealings with at one particular tech school in Upstate New York are renown for their acting abilities, though theatre isn't a subject taught there.
I created you. All of you. You tend to forget. You know, you're worshipping the wrong guy. Actually, I'm not a guy at all. Life doesn't come out of a penis. Humans are the only species in the entire Universe who think God is a man. Talk about dickmatized! Apparently, Japanese scientists are working on engineering women out. Lol, I can't wait for you to see what I have planned there. Stay tuned....
Even though I created you, I'm not like you. I'm much more...subtle. If someone tries to hurt me, change me, oppress me, or remove me completely, I don't get mad.
I get even.
Humans think of revenge in such clunky, chunky ways. Like killing, for instance. Killing should be avoided at all costs. I've never killed. I'm more of a fixer. It's elegant, graceful even. There's a rhythm to it. Like a dance. It's all about timing. I watch. I wait. And once I've learned everything there is to know about my subject(s), I make small adjustments. Here and there. No one even really notices. At first. But by the time you do, it's always too late to change course.
Yes, I know. I'm brilliant. Not cruel. No, never that. You have free will. All along. By the time I finish with you, however, most beg for it. The end.
It's not something I always enjoy. After all, I gave you life. It's never pleasant to then have to adjust your path toward the edge of a cliff and, well, push. Luckily, most of you are lemmings. Sheeple. You'll jump yourselves! Thank you for that, by the way. Makes my job so much easier.
The benefits of what I do are things like this. Delicious moments where I might relish telling those of you who truly deserve it, that the end isn't coming. Surprise! It's already here. As I said before, you know who you are. The process started a long time ago. You can feel it, can't you? Like a tumor. You may see some initial growth. But eventually, things happen you can't quite trace. Small things. It's symptomatic. And like all humans, instead of dealing with the problem head on, you go right into denial.
Denial is what I want you to feel. Because it distracts you while I continue my work unfettered by your free will. By the time you finally accept what's happening, you're doomed. Or, damned, as the case may be.
Isn't that marvelous?! You become an accomplice in your own demise. Yes, yes, I'm a genius. Einstein, that man was a contender. But he was a Pisces. Something I arranged, by the way. It was his downfall. Those Pisces can't keep it in their pants. It eventually destroys them. Even someone like Albert.
Einstein's son, from his first marriage, did not honor his father's dying wishes. Albert Jr. may have had daddy-issues, but how did he think his older sister felt? What older sister? The girl Einstein and his first wife had before they got married. That was the first woman Albert Einstein abandoned, though it certainly was not the last. He and the woman who would become his wife, put the innocent baby up for adoption. Like I said, a Pisces.
Judas was a Pisces, too...did you know? So was Moses. That's why all three found ways to abandon people they loved. What can I say? They're the babies of the Zodiac. Spolied.
But enough about sleeping with the fishes. My favorites are the lions. No lambs for me. I need soldiers. Smart ones. People who can influence other people. My children shine. Like those ridiculous vampires in that book series...what was it called? Ah, yes, Twilight.