By the way, numerology wasn't something I even thought about when I first found the house 2.5 years ago. It was the second house I found, too. The first was closer to the city but lacked the light. It also didn't have a forest in its backyard. But I was starting my job in a week so put down a big deposit. Then, like a miracle, I saw #229 online. Funny to think that it was less than a year ago that I learned about numerology and began recognizing the numerical patterns in my life. That epiphany came #18 months after my initial journey began; #18 is derived from #99, which is the number for completion. Wholeness. If you aren't yet a fan of Einstein's Relativity, you should go to your local library and start reading! It will help you understand the language of our Universe. It will also help you understand that there are no coincidences.
I was 42 (yes, that's right, Douglas Adams fans!) when I finally had the chance to realize my dreams. Make them real. That's perhaps sadder than not having a twin-chance for twin-happiness in the future. But better than never having tried for happiness at all, eh? And, every day you survive is another day closer to trying all over again.
We are all responsible for making our own lives into the most positive lived-experience possible. But that's not what society teaches us. We learn to squeeze ourselves into tight boxes built for us before we're even born. It's the only way we get social acceptance (aka financial support). You can't even get a job unless you comply with social "norms." Don't believe me??? Just ask anyone who would be considered "the other" by society. Protests happening in the States right now are connected to social acceptance of "the other." I always applaud those who have the guts to do the right thing, because inevitably, those same people risk being punished for it. One way or another.
But when it comes to love, what is the "right" thing? And, how do we stop ourselves from continuing to self-punish by denying what's in our hearts???
The answer is simple. Easy, even: In love, you must always do what your heart tells you. That may mean facing more than one social obstacle. Just because you know what your heart wants, does not mean your social circle will agree. In fact, it's rare when that happens. Sadly, the more common response from family and friends when you decide to make a change--to live your dreams--is resistance. Those who challenge you are typically afraid...not for you, for themselves. You leaving the life they protect devalues their choices. It's threatening on some level. But honestly, who cares what family and friends think of your choices??? They don't have to live with the consequences. You do. When you martyr yourself for others, you don't earn more respect as a result. You get treated like a doormat instead. Like garbage. Expected to be there at everyone else's convenience, and when you aren't, you're discarded. It's pretty awful, but also amazing at the same time.
Human nature. It's predictable. Love, however...not so much. That's perhaps why so many gravitate to the #Twin narrative, and, the math behind it.
I get a lot of queries and questions regarding #TwinFlames (also referred to as #TwinSouls), particularly for predictions from those who identify with the ancient human narrative of love and loss. My best piece of advice for #2017--to everyone reading this right now--is to take responsibility for yourself and your actions. Once you make that rather significant choice, things tend to fall into place.
#2017 is your chance to really create change. Love is a miraculous connection between two souls. When it's real, it goes nowhere. And, when you have the person you love more than anyone or anything else in the world by your side, there isn't much else that matters. Finding real love by making that connection is the best change-agent humans can have. Love turns monsters into men. But there's so much fear surrounding real love that many of us have suffered more loss than love in our lives. I'm laughing a bit as I write that. Know why? Because, even when you "lose" someone, if the love was real, it's always real. It never goes away. The fear that caused separation will though. When it does, go find your real love. We always feel it. It's a prevalent theme right now in #PopCulture, too.
Whether you're a fan of TV shows like #ThisIsUs #VampireDiaries #Nashville or #TheRoyals, you can see examples of lost love trying to be recaptured. I just wrote about how the Nashs (made famous by the film, #ABeautifulMind) divorced in 1963 but remarried nearly 40 years later. That's what real means. No matter how much time passes, the two people who feel the love always feel it--regardless of anything or anyone else. The truth is like that. It stands. A lot can happen over decades of time. So, I'm not advocating you wait. I'm telling you not to.
My #Twins out there asking me if there will be reunions this year need to focus on improving themselves and their lives. I say this with total love and compassion: Please stop obsessing over an otherwise absent person's possible decisions. In the #Twin narrative, there's always a runner and a chaser. It's like that in love (and life, too), no matter what narrative you believe in. Yin and Yang. Good versus Evil. That innate duality Joseph Campbell talks about transcending in order to transform human consciousness (meaning, in order for people to stop being a big bag of dicks).
For the runners, it's likely that after some time, you'll recognize your mistake. You just may not know how to fix it. You keep waiting for that magical moment to arise, but waiting gets you nowhere fast. Years may pass, and so will the precious time you could be spending with your #Twin. My advice to the runners of this world is to stop running. Be honest with yourselves. Be honest with the person you love, too, by taking responsibility for what you did. Get in touch. Go from there. If the person you feel real love for is your real #Twin, nothing will prevent you from coming together again.
For the chasers--stop chasing. And, live. Find happiness. Find peace. Actively seek joy. Having a #Twin (or, person who completes you) does not guarantee a fairy tale ending. If it's been years since you're runner disappeared, it's time to let go. Be happy in yourself. I know that, somewhere inside, you'll wait forever. That's okay. Just don't deny yourself the opportunity to love and be loved while you do. I wish I could tell you what you want to hear--that you and your #Twin will be reunited within the next year--but I can't. When your runner is ready, nothing will stop them from making things right. Until then, know that you don't need another person to make you happy. You can still find love and joy, but it will not feel the same. And, that's okay. Different isn't's just, well, different. I'd rather you have any kind of love and companionship in your life than none at all. Love is a skill after all. You have to practice it to keep it sharp.
I hope this helps to answer most of the concerns readers have expressed regarding love in #2017. In terms of the numbers, it's a creation year;. I think it's likely that many find what was lost (even if it's not in the way you expect it), opening the door for a new period of awakening in #2018 (#11), followed by a year of manifesting your dreams into reality (#2019=#111). And finally, the ultimate #Twin year, #2020, which breaks down to #1111, will see you enjoying the abundance of all you create this year in order to manifest your awakened thoughts in the next two. Don't be surprised by serious hardship right before your breakthrough--things are always darkest before the dawn. The double "2" in 2020 may ask humanity to raise their overall vibration somehow--"2" is a number of partnership, but also, of codependency.
While numbers don't lie, people do. I can't say it often enough: Don't wait! If you know you love the person you left behind, tell them. Soon. Remember, positive energy comes from being proactive, not reactive. Your anger or negative emotions are always reactions to your environment. But you can rise above and stop being a victim. You can take control. Call your #Twin. Send an email, or a letter. Don't wait for an impossibly perfect scenario to happen--that's just self-sabotage. The perfect moment is now. "Perfect" is simply having the courage to say how you feel with no expectations outside of giving love to a person who deserves it.
All human beings are here to open doors to unconditional love. First, you have to find it. Finding it happens when you give it. The karma of our "runners" is to learn unconditional love by returning balance and finally coming "home." But not with any expectations. Unconditional love means accepting whatever has happened in your absence. Being patient and kind. Being a consistent friend again. Until, one day, another hand reaches out for yours. That's your big moment. Grab that hand, and never, ever, ever let it go again.
May all good souls who promote positive energy in this world find prosperity, peace and protection. Your mind will give up long before your body...that's why it is so important to stay physically healthy. Your physical health promotes mental and emotional clarity. Stay positive! And, you will rise....
#AwakeLife #TwinFlames Post-script: Today is 29 January 2017, or, an #1111 day; 29=2+9=#11; 2017=2+0+1+7=10 and 10+1 (January=1) is the second #11.