My protagonist loves a man ten years her junior, someone she's known for a very long time but only recently saw as a romantic possibility. Very quickly, the two form an intense bond. But he has a panic-moment and makes a rash decision, cutting her out of his life. She waits for him to change his mind, but when nothing changes, she opens herself up to new possibilities. One of those possibilities is a tall, rugged-looking musician who loves to cook and laughs at all of her inappropriate jokes. Her musician is also ten years younger than her. The two have an easy, fun relationship with lots of laughter...and tequila shots. But she can't shake her feelings for her "wild one." Just as she's about to give up, her wild-child gets in touch. Literal touch. He shows up where she works and makes an impassioned plea for forgiveness. She still wants him. Badly. But what about her sweet, sensitive musician who smiles with his eyes? Is she in love with both?
One of the scenes in my book includes my heroine skydiving with her wild-child. He pushes her boundaries...ALL of her boundaries. And Flo Rida's "Wild Ones" video brings that sense of exhilaration to life. Though it's not always the case in real life, in my books, LOVE always wins. Enjoy!