It was a Taurus moon that shone brightly on me three years ago as I stood under the stars and prayed. The year before, I stood in the field where I have since met angels and stags and wolves and felt the Sun's warmth on my face. A warmth that told me to listen. And listen intently to the Universe as it revealed what was to come. Today, it is sunny once again. I feel the dull Mercurial pull on the back of my skull. A kind of vague pounding. Like an echo. Another Taurean moon pushes me forward through the doldrums of early spring toward greener pastures across the blue ocean. An ocean that separates me from kind eyes that hold my attention. And, a piece of my heart.
Water falls on my wet skin but I no longer bathe in tears...I bathe in years. Immortality is like that. You swim through an ocean of lived experience. Of people. Of places. Of parts unknown. Of hearts unknown, too. A moment for me is a lifetime for you. But even with Time (and Death) on my side, I am still afraid. Of so many, many things. Including love.
A ferocious heart knows no bounds. It is unlimited in a world full of limits. And that is frightening indeed....
Are you? Frightened??? Because, you should be. Not of me. My wings are white and silver and brown. I am here to protect. Teach. Unconditional love is a six-pointed star that doubles as a weapon against hatred. Against lies. Against judgment. Cruelty. Evil. Not the kind you see on a screen. True evil. The same evil that lurks in every human heart.
If we on Earth have the capacity for great good, we also have an equal capacity for evil. This world is a place of opposites. Balance is a tricky thing. Your vestibulo ocular reflex keeps you upright, but what happens when it doesn't? Mind over matter only matters in the mind. There is no compensation for a damaged motor cortex. You just have to keep walking.
I have to keep walking....
Our collective pace is set by our collective consciousness. That is the very definition of psychology. Sociology. From there, philosophy, theology and literature derive. As does language. And, history. But, the past does not define us. That which is immutable cannot be changed. Or, charged. There's a statute of limitations--something for the physicists to argue over and around, stacking dimensions like Oreos, one on top of the other. Personally, I like to throw mine into a blender with some milk, ice cream and a dash of Ovaltine.
You are not a prisoner. Neither am I. Though the gravity of Earth can sometimes make it feel like a life-sentence. That is why you must choose your words as carefully as you choose your friends. Actions speak louder than any word you may utter, yet your words will be etched in the neural pathways of those who hear them. Read them. Write them. Speak them. Beyond this lifetime. Beyond memory. And beyond whatever comes next.
People can be forgotten. But their words??? Well, words are forever. As immortal as love. The real kind. The kind that walks with you, talks with you and makes you dance when no one is watching.
Yeah, it's worth the trip....