But how does one achieve that lofty goal???
The famous Jewish philosopher, Hillel, said, "If I am not for myself, who will be for me?" Strength starts with understanding your best advocate is you. Once you realize this, build in coping strategies, like visualization, to reinforce your belief in yourself. Because when you believe in something, see the possibilities, it's easier to get others to believe, to see. Ideas are infectious. And whatever idea is driving you to success, you need others to recognize it, too.
We live in a global community. What that really means is that there is power in having others see and believe as you do, or, what I call "the critical mass effect.". Religion is one of the best examples of how it works.
At the base of all religion is a simple idea. Whether Moses, Buddha, Jesus, or Mohammed (in that order only because it is the order in which each developed over time...), a "prophet" was required to visualize the success of that idea, or religion, in order to take a foothold in the social consciousness. Once that happened, the critical mass effect became apparent through things like war. That visualization was so powerful, it caused otherwise good people to kill in the name of someone's idea of God. The very idea of which was successful because of visualization.
Makes you think, right? Good! Because now it's your turn.
Whatever your idea, know that the moment it was conceived, the Universe gave you ALL the power needed to make that idea manifest. Your first step is to create a clear and succinct vision to help translate your idea to others. Though we'd like to believe no one else is needed in order to do what we want, that's simply not true. We need people to share in our vision in order to be successful. Why?
Well, just like with religion, your idea has to be so powerful that people think about it, and think about it often. Then, they start talking about it to others. Like ripples in a pond, your idea begins to widen into increasingly larger concentric circles, encompassing more minds as it heads toward critical mass. Essentially, you are giving people the tools to meditate positively on your idea. And THAT is what leads to your ultimate success. Meditation isn't just for practiced yogis either. Another way to think of it is as prayer.
When you pray, you are actually meditating, or channeling your energy and thoughts to something positive. Or at least, you should be. When you pray or meditate on the negative, you actually attract negativity into your life, even if you were trying to direct it to someone else. But when you pray or meditate on the positive, you attract positives. Psychology studies find that highly successful people often use talismans, like a Crucifix, Star of David, Ohm symbol, or Hamsa as a way to meditate on their success throughout the day. Wearing a talisman is a constant reminder of your goals and the good things you are trying to build in life. It shows faith, not just in some larger purpose, but in yourself.
Another way to help reinforce the success of your idea is to journal about it. Deliberate thought is a form of meditation or prayer. Write out your plan. Think about how you can achieve it in multiple ways. When you encounter an obstacle, consider it a challenge, a way to redirect your success to an even greater end. Continue to write, no matter what. Your brain will begin to organize your thoughts and almost unwittingly, you will take small steps each day toward making your idea successful.
Whatever you do, just keep visualizing your success, speaking, writing and thinking positives into your own world. You are worth it. Well, you will be if you pursue positives. Because when you do, you spread good things into this world. One person at a time, you'll find your positive flow washing over people in waves. When you feel as though you are doing good, it becomes viral. You smile more and the next person who sees you smiles back. The next individual sees that smile and does the same. Perhaps you share a kindness, like complimenting your waitress, or giving a tissue to a random person who sneezes, or maybe, paying for the coffee of the customer behind you at Starbucks. And yes, it works.
Now get out there and get yourself some of that success!!! What are you waiting for? Move, move, move! And smile while you do....