Today's numbers add up to #TwinFlames: April (4)+8=12 (a number I see in multiples frequently these days), and when added to the year 2+0+1+7=10, you get #22. While #22 is the number for #MasterBuilders in #Numerology, it is also a #4, which simplifies even further to #1111. Archangels are represented by the #4, which also happens to be my soul number. It means stability, intelligence, balance, integrity, and communicates the ability to reach all four corners of the globe in all four directions, thanks to a connection to the four winds. While all of that is interesting, it doesn't exactly explain what that pesky #1111 means.
I sometimes do impromptu #Numerology readings for friends on Instagram; it's always a message for that individual. My friend Heather says she "lives for" these #Numerology reports. I recently did one for her, and when I did, I asked if she was seeing any other numeral patterns. Guess what??? Her answer was yes, and, it turns out #1111 is one of them.
Heather and I met through Eliza Dushku. Yes, THAT Eliza Dushku. Buffy fans celebrating the 20-year anniversary in #2017, will recognize Eliza as the character, "Faith," from the Buffy franchise. But Eliza Dushku started her career at the tender age of 10, costarring in blockbuster films like True Lies with Arnold Schwartzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis.
Eliza and I are both native Bostonians (go Sox!); we were doing a show together in Chicago a few years ago. Heather had accompanied Eliza to the show. Heather is this beautiful pixie-faced, open, generous, yet fierce person. She had just launched her new company, Love and Madness, featuring an original line of pop culture accessories and jewelry. I no sooner shook her hand when Heather handed me this hella-chic double-finger ring she had made. It read "If Daryl Dies We Riot." Yes, it was in reference to our mutual acquaintance from the Comic Con circuit, Norm Reedus, whom my #Twin and I had opportunity to say "hello" to as he headed out of the big black Suburban and we took his place on our way back to the hotel. Norm and I were on tour together for three years with the same company so we often crossed paths. I've been a fan of his since his role in the Blade franchise. Great photographer, too.
Two days ago, Heather mentioned seeing #1111 to the point where she felt like she was going mad. I can certainly relate. Though I've talked about #1111 many times on this blog, given that today adds up to #1111, I wanted to chat a bit about the meaning of #TwinFlames or #TwinSouls, how it is connected to the number, and what it means to a person who repeatedly sees the pattern.
Firstly, if you see the number frequently, you are being called to #AwakeLife. That's not as easy or pleasant as it sounds. Removing the physical and social blinders you were taught to cling to your whole life isn't exactly a good time. But it is for your benefit. And, as you awaken, you are better able to align your soul purpose with whatever talents you have. Unconditional love is the underpinning of #1111. When you awaken, you are awakening because you are "waking up" to unconditional love. This is often triggered by connecting with the other half of your soul, or your #TwinFlame.
While there will always be close-minded people or naysayers, the narrative of the #TwinFlame journey goes back to the beginnings of humanity itself. It's essentially the most ancient story humans have about love, loss, and a return to wholeness. #TwinFlames are theorized as two halves of the same soul, separated at Earth in order to help humanity's evolution through unconditional love. The caveat, of course, is that the method by which we learn unconditional love is extremely painful. Because, you learn it by loving a person (including ourselves) who hurts and/or betrays you. Ouch.
After the dust settles, you may be surprised to learn you still somehow love the person who caused you pain. Not because you're obsessed or crazy. Because, you recognize people matter more than problems. Because, you choose healing over hurting, gratitude over attitude, kindness over cruelty, compassion over judgment, and positives over negatives. That's the definition of unconditional love.
Some spiritualists believe in what is referred to as "false twins," people we meet throughout our lives that are reflections of the person who houses the other half of our soul. I think the word "false" is inadequate. Frankly, every human label is inadequate, even "TwinFlames." What we don't know is far greater than what we do....
The #TwinFlame story is sometimes used as an excuse to obsess over a particular individual, or, to excuse a particular individual's abuse. I've even talked about this on the air. Two of my biggest concerns are that people believe they found their #Twin, when in reality, they're merely caught up in the romance of the narrative; that same sense of false romance comes into play when someone fruitlessly waits for their #TwinFlame instead of actually living, believing that because this person "must" be their #Twin, there can be no other love or life outside of their #Twin. But, it's just not true. Nor is it true that you have to accept a person back into your life who has been abusive to you--#Twin or not. Forgiveness is one thing, but unless you see real consistent change, the same pattern will occur again. Abuse is cyclical; it gets better before it gets worse. No self-sabotage allowed!
You and your #Twin will always be connected; nothing can or will change that. But until your #Twin has cleared his/her negatives, you should not let precious years pass you by. Because, that's what will happen. And, you can't get that time back. Remember, your #Twin is somehow still living their life without have to do the same, too, even if it is painful. Which leads me to the next issue....
When you find your "real" #Twin (again, these labels are highly inadequate)--though there may be a romantic element--it is no fairy tale. Like any birth, it's messy. Difficult. Painful. Sometimes even bloody. No, it doesn't have to be like that. But awakening IS like that for human beings. Awakening or enlightenment sounds so civilized, but when you use the word evolution instead, you get a better idea of what goes into "awakening."
Chaos is part of the evolutionary process. How was our world born? How is it that our Sun shines in the sky??? These wonderful, life-giving things were all born from chaos. Destruction. It took years for their evolution to be complete. This is often the case with #TwinFlames, too.
None of us are here to suffer. If you understand and accept that premise, you also understand and accept that every negative that surfaces is meant to be cleared. A problem is therefore never a problem, but an opportunity to repair yourself, your life, and yes, your soul. That's not my inner-cheerleader talking; it's just the truth.
If you think of energy from the perspective of the Universe, or astro-physics, energy is just energy. It is only through the vulnerability innate in physical life that creates fear (or negatives), which in turn creates EVERY problem known to man, which then filters down to animals and nature itself. Fear is where negative energy derives from, but the energy is just energy; it's what a given individual does with that energy that matters.
When you clear negatives, you aren't clearing the energy itself--you're transforming it. That's our magic. Humanity has the power to manifest miracles through such transformations. Your pain can become someone else's miracle and magically make their life better. When that happens, your life gets better, too. Or, pain can be used to destroy another person--their dreams, their future, their finances. I don't know even one person who is a destroyer and is also happy. Because, when you hurt others, you always, always, always end up hurting yourself, too. Remember, it's a choice. And, that choice is yours. No one can force you to do something you don't want to do. That's just an excuse for complacency. It's self-sabotage, a way to perpetuate victimhood. As long as you choose to be a victim, you choose negatives over positives, hurting over healing, judgment over compassion, cruelty over kindness, and problems instead of solutions. Making choices that hurt yourself and others is a sign of mental illness. You may be high-functioning, but if you look for ways to hurt people through envy, resentment, hatred, jealousy and other insecurities, you are sick. You can get better, but only if you learn to heal others--bring joy, not pain.
That's how it works for #TwinFlames, too....
It's all about accountability. Reunion is only possible when we acknowledge our responsibility for our choices as well as our actions. That's when negatives turn into positives. It's true for every problem we face in life. Taking responsibility is not about self-punishment or self-sabotage; in fact, it is how you stop sabotaging yourself and others. Once you do, you'll find that even the most impossible odds can be overcome. From there, achieving any and all of your dreams is not only possible, it's entirely probable, too.