Caught in the mayhem of medium-witch, Marnie, Pam finds herself speaking through the veil--literally, But King Bill won't allow vengeance on humans per the Authority. Ah, mediocrity! Alive and well, even amongst the undead....
Jessica and Jason, sitting in a tree--K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes...Hoyt! Ah, sorry, dude, but your girlfriend's got the hots for Jason. You've got no shot. Best Jason quote to date: "You mean, like why I'm real good at sex...and shooting." Yes, Jason--we all have our crosses to bear.
The foreshadow about Sam's shifter girlfriend's sad tale of shifter-lore and her ability to turn into not just animals, but people, comes to light in Episode 6--Tommy bangs Sam's Sam. After Tommy kills his parents--naturally. Of course, he only kills them because they kidnap and torture him. Great example of how some of us are just born into bad situations. That's what I love about True Blood--it may be full of hyper-sexual, weirdly-supernatural situations, but the fiction maintains the strangeness of truth. Sam's a good brother, but he's also a killer. Watch out, Tommy....
We think Bill's a bad guy--because he is. But then he let's Eric go at the end of Episode 6, after setting Eric up to take a literal fall this season. Just remember, TB-fans, Bill doesn't do anything without an agenda. Bill's always been a fanged-wolf in sheep's clothing. If only he could meet his true-death at the hands of a real one. We'll have to watch and see what happens.
And will Jason ever become a were-panther??? We think not. But oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive....
Terry Bellefleur is definitely father-of-the-year. Such a nice man. He deserves better than what's in store. Stay tuned!
Bill, like the ass he is, had sex with his great-great-great grand-daughter. The fanged perv-boy acts all innocent in front of Bible-toting grandma, Caroline, but this guy's as old as the hills...literally. Are we honestly expected to believe he didn't know before having hot sex with a relative??? All truths are inconvenient to an undead bastard like Bill.
Tara is caught in a lie by her girlfriend in Episode 5; by Episode 6, their holding hands and eating together at Merlotte's...that is, until a rather pissed Pam shows up. Meanwhile Tara's cousin, Lafayette, is locked in some Mexican shack with Jaquar-Jesus and his crazy-ass grandfather. Nelsan Ellis is one of my favorite actors on True Blood. I want to see his storyline have a Hollywood ending, please. Raelle? You hear me? Mr. Ball? Let's make it happen.
Marnie is in a locked cell in King Bill's manse. Until she's possessed by a 17th century witch-spirit bent on vampire-vengeance. Hey, if you were repeatedly raped, drained, then burned at the stake--you'd be out for revenge, too!
Holly and Andy are dating! Andy's hooked on V, and Holly's a working-waitress-single-mother-witch...but hey, nobody's perfect. Andy's terrier-sister has a happy ending, too...and no, not that kind of happy ending!
But what about our little Sookie? Eric's innocence is as temporary as the spell that made him that way. And so is Bill's nice-guy act. Things are about to heat up in Bon Temps...don't turn that channel!
Episodes 5 & 6 get a hot-and-heavy 9.5/10 on the Housel-scale. Loving every True Blood-minute this season...keep up the GREAT work everyone!!!