Each day presents us with with new challenges--that's just part of being human. For some of us, we struggle mightily against those challenges, injuring ourselves and others in the process. There are yet others who withdraw when faced with a challenge, surrendering completely. And then, there are those of us caught in between struggle and surrender. Wherever you may fall, the thing that strikes me as most important whenever facing a challenge is to REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE.
I don't mean your profession, your religion, your birth order, your sexual orientation, or any other social label you've adopted by being engaged in the human community--I'm talking about the REAL you. That part of you that is not dependent on family, religion, profession, marital status, or anything else for that matter. It's the part of you that exists somewhere between your heart and your mind--maybe it's a natural capacity for compassion, maybe you're uniquely intuitive, maybe you're gifted at communication--whatever it is, it's in there...and it is YOU. Raw. No one "made" you that way. You weren't shaped by your environment in order to produce it. It existed from your first moments as an air-breather. Even if you weren't aware of it quite yet.... ;)
When you remember who you truly are, strip away all the pretense, all the social labels and the expectations that go with them, you empower yourself beyond any other measure. Life's challenges are constant and after a while, can wear us down. We tend to use popular culture as a distraction from our social exhaustion and between being worn down and distracted, we can forget the most important thing of all, ourselves.
So whatever your challenges may be today, please find yourself. Remind yourself of who you are--who you TRULY are. For most of us, when we do have the opportunity to remember, it can be a transcendent moment, energizing and powerful, providing the steam we need to move forward through any obstacle. And don't worry if you forget again--because that innate part of you is always there, whenever you may need it.
Know that you are loved. Know that you are not alone. Know that YOU are unique and are fully capable of whatever life brings. And of course, have a wonderful week! It's a new week--time for new ideas! And don't forget to soak up some of that essential sunshine....
Until next time, dearest readers!