And thank God for that! My writing is my sanity--in it, I hear Vivaldi, Mozart and the Meistro himself, Beethoven. I see bluer skies, outstretched landscapes reaching as far away as the oceans, an overall brighter world with just a few marks from my pen, or clacks on the keyboard.
Life itself is overwhelming. When you begin to add in other pressures, like work, home and family--making doctors appointments, paying bills, shopping for groceries, keeping your life organized everywhere you live it while carving out time to stay healthy and spend time with your loved ones--wooh! Breathing becomes a much more daunting task! Now add in any "extra" issues, like disability, health concerns, concerns about the health of family and friends, financial stresses, loss of a job--and you've got a recipe for psychological disaster. But if you are feeling overwhelmed and overworked...there is hope.
While impermanence IS part of our everyday life--in fact, one of the biggest obstacles we face as human beings is our fear of loss--we ALWAYS need to remember that there are permanent fixtures in our lives we can count on. And if you're looking around your world right now and can't find anything--create it! The one thing you can count on is YOU. You can create those spaces that are fixtures in your life...for your lifetime. I began this blog for fellow writers but know that the audience is much broader than that now. Maybe writing isn't your thing--maybe it's a love of painting, gardening, sewing, scrap-booking, film-making, photography, knitting, embroidery, pottery--you get the idea here: What people dismiss as mere "hobbies" are actually those spaces of permanence we can create with our own minds, our own creativity, our own hands. And it matters. Even if your not Picasso. Even if you're not Hemingway or Degas or Vera Wang or Annie Leibowitz. The pieces of artwork, jewelry, pottery, paintings, diaries, letters, and other writings from long-dead civilizations are still alive and well today. People aren't even permanent in life--but what we create IS.
There's nothing quite so empowering as creating something totally unique from yourself, your experience, your creativity, your resourcefulness, your initiative. If you haven't already, find that thing you enjoy creating and enjoy creating a permanent piece of yourself along with it. It will be there for you your whole lifetime, be there for your family after you're gone, and ultimately, will stand the test of human time--even when you can't.
Imagine fifty years from now. The year is 2060. Whether you are still alive or not isn't the issue. Your creations will still exist, and therefore, perhaps the most important part of who you are, will also still exist. And in the time between here and there, you will always have a constant companion you can count on--a friend to turn to. It's a comforting thought given the nature of human existence in the twenty-first century. So whether you're overwhelmed, overworked, or both...get totally OVER it by carving out your own creative space--a permanent fixture in your life, and all the lives that will surely follow.
Until next time, dear readers....