Both the negative and the positive can manifest. So keep yourself healthy. Healthy people are positive people. Solution-seekers, not problem-causers. Vulnerability, however, is unhealthy. If you are vulnerable in your life, you must, must, must work to change that. Any decisions you make when vulnerable to another, or, in a vertical relationship--whether with an ex, a spouse, a boss, a child, a parent, a friend--is going to have the potential for negative energy. That doesn't mean you can't make decisions. You have to. You just have to recognize when a decision is being made from that vulnerable place.
Are you lonely? Scared? Depressed? Maybe all of the above??? These are common feelings for the dependent party in a vertical relationship. A vertical relationship means top-down, and if you're the vulnerable party, it's because you are dependent on the person at the top. This typically has to do with finances. When you are financially dependent, none of your decisions will be true choices. All will be connected to maintaining the vertical relationship, which will keep you dependent. Almost like a vicious cycle that feeds itself and will keep you prisoner until you awaken.
Dependency, whether on a drug or a person, is always derived from negative energy. You will lose confidence, self-esteem, self-respect, and love-for-the-self. The ability to earn is of the utmost importance. The best way for anyone to increase positive energy, outside of moving your body on a regular basis and being in nature as often as possible, is to improve your ability to earn. Perhaps it's through a patentable idea, or maybe it happens by re-educating, changing careers, or creating multiple income streams (the true secret to gaining meaningful wealth).
There are any number of ways to improve your earning potential. You just have to want to. But once you do, you will be changing the innate power structure in your vertical relationship. More often than not, the person at the top, or the person controlling the monies, will be unhappy and create resistance. Sometimes it's unwitting, but usually, when dealing with high-functioning, intelligent people, it isn't. That's when abuse comes in.
And, this can happen in any relationship. Even a relationship with the best of intentions. It's imperative for anyone over 16 to be gainfully employed and/or develop (legal) income streams. Even if that income is limited and you are still dependent, it's a start. You'll feel empowered, more confident, happier...and, guess what??? Every decision you make thereafter will be increasingly positive, because it will be increasingly honest.
When you are financially-dependent, it's almost impossible to be completely honest. How can you be? Everything you do and say is weighed and measured against the financial support you receive. Earning-power will always be uneven between men and women, in favor of the men, unless there is a deficit in education-level and/or health. It does not help women's earning power to have to leave the job force when having children. But women plugged into any corporate structure are already at a disadvantage.
Women will always do better working for themselves rather than working for others. It's true for some men as well, though statistically, men of all ethnicities earn more than women of equal education in similar professions. You can find the supporting evidence from the results of the 2016 World Economic Forum; there are also multiple New York Times articles from 2015 and 2014 that speak to what is a clear (and disgusting...) deficit in parity in the workplace between men and women.
Regardless of your gender, if you are in a vertical relationship, equalizing that structure through earning will help promote positive decisions because those choices will be fueled by positive energy. Any decision fueled by negative energy--feelings of loss, abandonment, grief, loneliness, neglect, and abuse--will always have a negative impact, even if intentions are otherwise good. Why? Because if you are dependent on another, no matter what your intentions, you are not free to follow through with any decisions that are not also agreed upon by the person whom you depend on financially.
Age is really just a number. I thought an adult over 30 was "old enough" to make their own decisions. But if you are financially dependent on anyone--outside of extreme or dire circumstances that limit your ability to earn--your age is irrelevant. Because, you are like a child, dependent on another to live. You may be able to drive a car, smoke, drink, have sex...but you are unable to make complete adult decisions when your dependence limits your ability to follow through. People generally mistake age as proof that an individual is dependable. I know I did. But it's just not true. Even if you want to be dependable, you will have no other choice but to abandon your decisions if your financial support is jeopardized by them.
Good parents help their children become financially-independent to avoid this kind of abusive, vertical structure in future relationships. Parents can do this through financial support during crucial educational pursuits and opportunities, like college, apprenticeships and professional-growth training. Or, providing rent-free housing for an adult-child so they might save money to purchase a home--a necessary foundation for any successful financial future. Of course, in order for parental support to matter, the adult child must be disciplined enough to put in the necessary effort toward successfully completing that education. It's all about accountability--mine, yours, and ours. Parental support is wasted on an adult child who is unwilling to apply effort toward successful completion of any post-secondary education. And, by that same token, an adult child with the brains willing to put in the effort will be hampered in their educational pursuits by unsupportive parents and family.
It's basic math--the formula for success, or, removing vulnerability. When people start listing out their excuses as to why it's not so "basic" for them, walk away. That person wants to be a victim. You can't help willing victims. No one can.
When we think about things like manifesting our thoughts into reality, we need to be mindful of where we are in our lives. The first thought for anyone who is financially dependent on another must be how to manifest financial independence. From that vantage point, all other choices can be made based on want, not need. That's the secret to ultimate happiness. Because, when you remove your dependence on others, all your choices can be made for your happiness, not anyone else's. You should never be asked to compromise your happiness by anyone, no matter what. When you are, you will not be happy. No one is ever happy when abused, no matter the abuse manifests. That leads to all kinds of health issues, which make you even more vulnerable and even less capable.
As it turns out, today is a "1" day. When you simplify and add the month, day, and year, you get "19," which is then simplified to "10," and further simplified to "1." It seems my waking to #Twin shooting stars at an #111 time on a "1" day may have more significance than I initially realized. As does the fact that I woke at exactly 5:55am. #555 is a divine message in numerology; it means great change is coming.
And, it is.
#TwinFlame #1111 Post-script: A #TwinFlame friend asked me today to read a person born on the 15th, who, by no small coincidence, is also a #TwinFlame. I saw #Twin shooting stars at 6:15 this morning. Anyone born on the 15th has a soul number of "6." It seems seeing those #Twin stars today, at that exact moment, was a portent. Just got a yes-knock to that. Obviously, this individual--a "6" from "15"--is coming into my world at some point. And, she must be important to get a personal intro from the Universe.