"Jonathan" comes from the Hebrew, "Yehonatan," which means "Gift of God" or "God's Gift,"...and I couldn't agree more.
Hebrew is an ancient language deeply rooted in its roots. The prefix in "Yehonatan" is a double "yud." The "yud" is a Hebrew letter that looks like a vertical dash, as if writing a lower case "l" from the top-down and stopping halfway. A double-yud, then, looks like a mini "11." Yud makes the "y" sound, and doubled, makes that sound twice.
Hebrew vowels are called "nikkudote," a series of dots and lines that provide the additional sound (and therefore, meaning) to a given letter. When you combine the "nikkudote" or vowels with the double-yud, it becomes the ultimate sacred name of God (which is why I can't share the specific vowel sounds here--you'd have to learn Hebrew yourself, earn the right to know those sacred syllables).
"Jonathan" begins it's life from the Divine. From divinity comes grace. From grace, miracles. And from miracles, life itself. That is "Jonathan"--divine grace, miracles and life.
"Yud" represents the number "10." In Hebrew, each letter in the "aleph-bet" (or alphabet) also has a numerical value. The number "10" represents the cosmos--creation--in Numerology. Two "yuds" equal a #1010 (which can then be simplified to "11"--the number of awakening, enlightenment and unconditional love). Interestingly, my birth date becomes a #1010. I was also born on the day the Jewish people expected the Messiah to be reborn...luckily, they were looking for a man.
The root of "Jonathan" or "Yehonatan" is "natan"--Hebrew for "give" or "gift." When you put the double-yud at the beginning of "Yehonatan" (or "Jonathan") with the root "natan," you get "Gift of God" or "God's Gift."
So, "Jonathan" begins with the power of infinity--all the light and energy of the Universe--the very power behind creation itself, then, this holy trinity of syllabic sovereignty ends with the gift of giving. It's a truly beautiful name for beautiful souls....
There is also another way to look at the name, "Jonathan":
The Hebrew word, "Yonah" (which you can hear in the beginning of the name, "J(Y)ona-than"), means "dove." The dove is a symbol of God, more specifically, a symbol of God's promise of peace. A dove brought an olive ranch to Noah after the great flood to let him know that the storm had passed and life on Earth was renewed. The suffix "taan" means "to pierce" or "thrust through" in one spelling; but it also means "to give."
We often don't think of "peace" as something that "pierces" or "thrusts" through anything, but that's because piercing and thrusting are often associated with violence. However, what if we saw piercing and thrusting through the eyes of love? When a man is attracted to a woman--has romantic feelings for her (or chemistry, if you will)--he pierces her, thrusting deep inside her body. It is the same for men who have love-feelings for other men.
And, what do we all feel after we've come into physical union with someone we're attracted to?
We feel satisfied. Happy. And yes, we also feel a sense of peace.
During sex, our spirits become uplifted. When physically expressing appreciation for someone I'm very attracted to, the visual in my mind is of winged-angels, intertwined, rising higher and higher toward the heavens as we move closer and closer to climax. It's representative of transmutation. Awakening, Enlightenment. A raw, vital evolution of the soul. Good sex with an attractive partner can do that. Bring positive change, inside and out.
In Tantric tradition, the electric feeling we get before, during and after sex with an attractive partner is considered a release of our "kundalini." The word "kundalini" is Sanskrit for the divine energy (or "shakti") "coiled" at the base of the spine, connected to the power of the "devi" or "goddess." Joining with the "goddess" releases "shakti" or the dynamic (and primordial) cosmic energy responsible for overwhelming joy.
In some forms of Tantra, we can reach "kundalini" through sex with a partner that we have a deep connection to--when our kundalini "rises" during sex, it's like the fabled phoenix of mythology, rising up from nothing (or ash) into an intense winged firebird. You are transported, transcending physical bonds as your mind, body and spirit reach another plane. When you get to this level with a partner, no matter how many physical miles separate you thereafter, you remain connected. To some degree, you can "see" them," even "hear" them. And yes, you can "feel" that person, too.
Some may dismiss "kundalini" as "new age," but that means dismissing nearly 15,000 years of human history, literature, art, music, and cultural beliefs. In fact, the oldest evidence of writing in the known world comes from the Upanishads--that's where the concepts of Tantra and kundalini come from. Exploring the release of shakti through Tantric sex is part of Advaita Vedanta--the oldest philosophy on the planet. Older than the Hebrew god and the Hebrew language, which traces its collective history back 6,000 years. The Upanishads are Vedanta and Vedanta, the Upanishads. Both are older than any other mode of human thought--far more ancient than the "ancient" Greeks or even the Egyptian gods and goddesses. That means the concepts of kundalini, shakti and Tantra are also older than anything else known to mankind. That makes it hard to dismiss out of hand. And then, there is the physical evidence....
When I think of all the ancient roots deep within the name "Jonathan," I can't help but think of peace, of doves, of the great flood representing rebirth, renewal and all the wonders of the cosmos--creation itself. And yes, I also think of sex. But not just any sex. The kind of sex that can deliver you from difficulty, raise you up, give you peace and joy. Something that is gentle, loving, respectful, but also, super-charged with divine chemistry. The kind that is unforgettable. Not because it leaves you bruised or bleeding or broken. Unforgettable because, for more than five hours, green eyes looked into yours without staring at your D-cups--not even once. Unforgettable because of an unforgettable smile in appreciation of your ramblings on medicine and science--no one else ever smiled at you like that before, for any reason. Unforgettable because, for maybe the first time ever, you had a really engaging conversation with someone who was (finally!) your equal. And, despite your incredible awkwardness, the flawless angel you were with is completely unforgettable because he somehow made you lighter, full of life, love, hope, and healing (regardless of how sad, frustrating, traumatic, and disappointing your life was before that moment).
I mean, that's just awesome. In the truest sense of the word "awesome."
Yes, "Jonathan" is an unforgettable gift full of unforgettable gifts. "Jonathan" plants seeds of knowledge. Over time, those seeds grow into a tree. Not just a tree of knowledge, but a tree of life.
"Etz chayim" means "tree of life" in Hebrew. In Kabbalah, or Jewish metaphysics, the different levels of Heaven are represented by the tree of life, where there are four worlds or dimensions. The "ohr" or "light"--all the divine energy in the Universe--comes from "atzilut." or the state of infinity where infinite divine energy and light exist. "Atzilut" is the fourth dimension (btw, Tesla's fascination with 3-6-9 was because he believed that numerical combination was the key to the fourth dimension). The number "4" represents Archangels in Numerology for this reason--anything connected to infinite energy is represented by a "4." Those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, or 31st all have the same soul number--"4." These individuals are each connected to infinite energy (and by extension, each other), which is part of the "twin flame" narrative.
The number "4" is simplified to #1111--the number that represents twin flames. Anyone with a "4" soul number is considered a "twin flame" and is also connected to not just infinity and infinite energy, but the second ("2" simplifies to "11") dimension known as "beriah" (or "creation" in Hebrew). "Beriah" is the beginning of consciousness outside of infinity, which is why angels are often the beings thought of as answering prayers or hearing prayers. Infinity is infinite and not engaged or aware of anything outside of that space. But infinite energy with consciousness (or an angel) is aware of other kinds of consciousness, so can be connected to the infinite while also acutely aware of life outside of infinity. And, by the way, humans can do that, too.
So, what's in a name? You tell me....
"Jonathan" is not just a "Jon" or a "Jay" or a "Johnnie." Nor is "Jonathan" merely a "Nate" or "Nathan" or "Nady." "Jonathan" is the real deal. A true blessing. That rare gift you never see coming and may even discount on some level as "unavailable" or "too good to be true" or whatever other excuse or justification you come up with to walk away from what you really don't want to walk away from. That's what "Jonathan" means...and, so much more.
I have great affection for "Jonathan." Wherever you are in the world, never forget how special you (and your name!) are. And, never, ever forget that you are beloved. Not just by me--but by the Universe itself!
Post-script. This is a repost in honour of the birthday of the one who inspired me to write this:
Happy Birthday, Jonathan--wherever you are, may you have peace, light and love...every time I see a rainbow, I will smile, thinking of yours.