SO, in the spirit of gratitude, here's a new entry--enjoy!
Following yesterday's "Pop Culture Cooking, Part I" it seems prudent to talk about the one surface in a kitchen most people don't think much about: The Floor. Sure, you sweep it, mop it, clean it incessantly, but can you eat off of it???
The resounding answer is NO. And while some people may think this to be plain old common sense, the five-second rule begs to differ.
You're eating your favorite thing in the whole world, whether a delicious white nectarine or a chocolatey ice cream sandwich, and it drops on the floor. Thanks gravity.
With lightening reflexes you quickly snatch your fallen friend from the floor, which may look shiny and clean, but think again. Before you put fallen food in your mouth, remember this: Salmonella and other bacteria can live for up to FOUR WEEKS on dry surfaces and IMMEDIATELY transfer to ANYTHING that touches it, including your favorite food that got away. Sad, but still true.
Quick analogy that will really hit home: Eating food that falls on the floor is like French-kissing another human being...except, it's the floor, and TOTALLY not worth the germs that go along with it. You wouldn't get on all fours and start licking the kitchen floor, would you??? If you did, my best guess is, you'd be in a straight jacket not long after. But picking up a piece of food that's fallen on the floor and eating it appears totally sane--even if it's not totally sound.
Another NO-NO is sharing cups or water bottles. I know, I know, this reads like a neurotic germ-a-phobe's manifesto, but this isn't neuroses talking, this is science.
A recent study found that more than 10,000 bacteria can live on the rim of a single cup. No joke. That goes for double-dipping your nachos in that spicy salsa, too....
So when you're fixing up your pop culture grub this Sunday before the next True Blood, keep the science of food in mind, and not just the flavor. Tomorrow: Maybe the missing link, maybe not...tides have been on my mind as well--whatever the subject, thanks for being here to read it and continued thanks to the many of you who keep coming back for more!
Until next time, dearest, dearest readers....