#511 is connected to my life in a myriad of ways; not only through my children, but other family members, as well as important life events. Even the house I lived in for nearly two decades is off a route that simplifies to #511. A local #Atlanta talent who has been in popular TV shows and films, like #WalkingDead, #Batman, and #VampireDiaries, just followed me today on #Twitter. Not only is the number of people he follows my birthdate, but the number of followers he has is 511, 000.
I can't make this stuff up....
I dreamt of an old acquaintance right before waking. He was digging graves. Moving dead bodies. It was his job. He was in the muck and mud, hating every second, but he felt it was his only choice. In the dream, I was trying to encourage him, "You don't have to do this. There are better opportunities for you."
Even after all my hardship and heartbreak, I'm still a cheerleader....
Loss like mine does not go away. People that think it would or should or could simply haven't experienced what I have. And, I dearly hope you never do. Because, if you walked a mile or so in my shoes, you'd hang yourself. Jump off the highest bridge. Find the tallest building. Look up for windows that can see stories down. You'd never survive. Not even a mile. And I've walked 164,250 miles in my life so far. You'd have become a statistic by now. Just got a "yes" knock to that....
Ever since moving to the magical land of "The South," and probably related to the loss of my daughter, the unseen finds me. Another "yes" knock. That's how we communicate, the unseen and I. In truth, it's a gift I've always had--just ignored it. As much as possible. Now, the doorway is wide open. There is no veil. Well, there is, just not for me.
Did you have an invisible friend as a kid? I did. Mine was a big blue man with wings who I called "Garuda." My parents thought I was saying "Garuga" and translated that as a "Gorilla." I did love playing the part of Tarzan as a girl, swinging from trees and running around unabashedly bare-chested, like a boy. But "Garuda" looked more like the version you can see on Wikipedia; it's a real creature from Hindu mythology. Yet, I (shamefully) didn't know that until 2014. No coincidences.
Today, I can see far beyond my past, to a future that was also beyond my simple expectations. Simple because, all I wanted was a little ranch house in the mountains with my little family. It was truly all I wanted. Simple and pure. But the "human haze" as my Angels call it, has to burned away in order for us to see what is real and what isn't.
I am living fire. The only person who can burn me is me. And, I have burned hot every mile, for more than 164,000 of them. My smile is still beautiful. My light still shines. But my soul is tired. Very tired. Lovely as it may be, the human shell I wear makes each step feel as though I am constantly leaning into a strong head-wind as I attempt to move forward. "Attempt" being the operative term.
I'm reminded of my infinite nature, despite my current appearance. The number #511 is my key...to everything. And, as I trudge along this meandering, psychotic human path, #33 is on repeat as well. It is the master number for Master Teacher in Numerology. When you see #333, it means the Ascended Master Teachers are with you. #Jesus was one of them. As was #Einstein. I'd even consider Kurt Cobain a Master Teacher. The clock just turned 3:33 as I typed that.
The numbers "6" and "9" are essentially the same, just mirror images. Mirrored like a lake at the bottom of a mountain. Natural mirrors. One corresponds to depression, home, family, and sacrifice; the other, to light, romance, inner strength, and wholeness. Even in that way, they are mirror opposites. The "6" strives to avoid endings related to domestic life at any cost. While the "9" in its infinite nature, the epitome of a numerical "mirror" (since anything added to "9" is simplified back to itself and "9" added to itself will always simplify back to "9"), never wants to end anything because it is limitless and cannot conceive of an "end." But a "9" pushes for completion and wholeness. As endings are unthinkable, a "9" morphs all endings into eternal beginnings. While a "6" lacks the light and inner strength to stay true to itself. Whatever a "6" combines with, is increased by that number. So, when you combine a "6" and a "3", you have #333, not "9". Triple "3's" are the Master Teacher because a "3" is charismatic, charming, and ultimately, immature. That immaturity, combined with the "6's" stubborn hold on domestic peace at any cost, creates hard lessons for both, and, anyone foolish enough to connect their lives to them. My ethereal entourage agrees....
A "6" does well with most even numbers, except "8" (which adds up to "14" or the karmic debt number for abuse--a sure sign of a soul-contract). The number "6" finds perfect symmetry (and peace) with a "4," adding up to "10." Ten (10) is the number for creation itself. There is always chaos involved in the early stages of creation, but if we stay the course, it leads to awakening. Awakening is our call to adventure a la Joseph Campbell. In that way, #AwakeLife is an acceptance of the consequences that we incur when we choose to burn away the "human haze" in order to follow our bliss--the Destiny of every human being on the planet, though few have the courage to see it through. The choice, that is. Destiny, you see, is only ever a choice. While Fate is something you suffer when you become complacent. Or, reactive versus proactive.
All of this knowledge--this wisdom--was earned because of #511. It is my literal job to share it with you. Teach it to you. Show it, rather than tell it. If you are reading this, you are meant to wake up now. You must begin your journey. I am sorry for the pain you will feel as you burn. I am sorry for the regret that will seize you as the human haze falls away. But I have walked over 164,000-miles to share with you that you are not alone. You are connected through a soul-ethernet. Plugged in. Synchronicities will now mark your path. That means you can manifest your thoughts into reality. Good or bad. Just stay the course. Be patient when things go wrong. Trust in your Destiny. Trust in yourself. And, you will see success.
You will also die one day, though you'll live forever. That's part of the lesson. Who you wish to be holding your hand at the end of this mortal life is really, truly up to you. Do not let your ego or pride--or anyone else's--stand in the way of at least acknowledging real love. When you do, you have doomed yourself to living a half-life. To self-mutilation. Self-torture. Self-loathing. Self-punishment. That is also part of the message you are here to receive:
You are not in charge of your karma, only your Destiny. By choosing good things like love over bad things like abuse, you are choosing to overcome your karmic debts. That is what brings happiness. Peace. Joy. Another "yes" knock from the other side.
You may not be a believer, but what could it hurt to listen? At least, to your own soul....