Hello to the reader who asked this question! And, hello to the #TwinFlames and other readers now visiting the new #TwinFlame category!!! I'm happy to share what I know about the ancient, global #TwinFlame narrative, or, monomyth of human love and loss.
From my research, #TwinFlames meet because, in fact, they are meant to experience the physical connection only being a part of the physical world affords. We are always connected to our #Twin at the soul. Physical separation is therefore an illusion. Before we physically meet, there are usually synchronicities and signs that #Twins experience. Things like dreams, visions and life parallels are a few examples. That constant soul-connection is how you "feel" your #Twin, even experiencing similar things at the same time, before you even know your #Twin physically exists.
It is common for #Twins to meet in the middle of their lives and already be married or have other partners. But it's likely you have met your #Twin when you did because the soul contract you each had with other spouses or partners is coming to a natural end. That is why you and your #Twin found one another. So you can start the process of learning who you are in order to experience unconditional love. And, it is a process.
Each set of #TwinFlames has a unique journey, but there does seem to be common threads, like temporary separation. You and your #Twin may separate a year or so after coming into union because you have to complete other social contracts and clear negative attachments. You also have to wrap your brain around this incredible phenomenon happening to you. It's why you found my blog and are looking for answers. You will find a lot of negative stories about the #TwinFlame journey on the Internet. But none of us exist to struggle. The negatives at the root of #Twin-separation only surface to be cleared so you can finally be together and physically reunite in unconditional love.
Perhaps you and your #Twin met when you weren't even looking; it was unexpected. But it came at a time in your life when you needed your #Twin. You needed them to help you heal in some way. Why? To begin the process of #Twin-reunion.
Part of that process is learning to both accept and reciprocate unconditional love by following your bliss. How do you follow your bliss? By avoiding a build-up of negative energy. That also means avoiding the impulse to sacrifice your own needs for others. We cannot help anyone else before we help ourselves. We must be in the best place possible before truly having the ability to help. It gives us a stable foundation from which to root ourselves and pull up others. Including our #Twins....
#TwinFlames have only unconditional or real love between them. You feel joy and peace together. It's like breathing for the first time. Things just feel right between you, even if you have other social obligations. The reader who asked the question that inspired this post said he and his #Twin "both (knew) time stood still." That is a good description. You feel an instant connection. Like nothing you ever experienced before. And, nothing you will experience again. That is because it is the common belief among #TwinFlame experts like Cassady Cayne that #Twins are meant to come together, particularly in the next two years, to help create more openings for unconditional love, compassion and healing for our planet.
Unconditional love between #Twins has no limits. The reader suggested it was not possible to be with his #Twin, but you are always together, even if physically separated. And, if you send each other #PositiveEnergy, #Peace, #Light, #Love, and #Healing at least a few minutes each day, you will "feel" a deeper connection with your #Twin. It is painful to be physically separated, especially for the more "awakened" #Twin, or the #Twin whose life prior to meeting better prepared that #Twin for reunion--but #TwinFlames must not lose hope. When you begin to think negative thoughts, it will pass through your connection, "infecting" your #Twin.
There's no definitive path to reunion after separation outside of clearing the negatives in your life, including previous attachments that no longer contribute to the evolution of your soul. #Twins exist on the same physical plane at the same time in order to find each other and be together. That is the purpose of having a #Twin and being a part of a living #TwinFlame pair. If you are now aware of each other and have separated after your initial union, you will both get to a point where it will be impossible not to be with one another. How fast or how slow this evolution takes place is really up to you....
But how can we be together when we are both married?
As I said a little earlier, you both meet when you do because you need each other to heal in some way. Healing takes time, and, it requires change. Sometimes, we mirror the social expectations of the people around us, slowing our progress by distracting us from our true purpose. #Twins who meet in the middle will deal with reluctant family members, perhaps spouting religious beliefs about things like marriage, friends and/or co-workers who put questions and doubts in your head, and the genuine care you have for a spouse or partner, even though that relationship has run its course--whether through abuse, neglect, or some other kind of issue that likely put you in the path of your #Twin in the first place. A spouse or partner is almost always a soul mate, but only meant to teach you certain things in order to prepare you for, and lead you to, your #Twin. Chances are very good you have multiple soul mates in your lifetime, all of whom reflect your #Twin in some way, making things even more confusing when faced with the decision to move away from your old life and embrace a new one with your #Twin.
It is scary to make a big change in your life. You are used to a certain pattern. You do not have to worry about adjusting your life if you return to your old life. Most #Twins return to former spouses after separating from each other. It feels "safe," even if it doesn't feel completely right. You are also back in your "comfort zone." You don't have to take on new responsibility and can fall back on old complacent habits. You miss and love your #Twin still, and after the first flush of leaving has worn away, you find thoughts of your #Twin remain. You can even "feel" them or "hear" them. So, why not just go back??? Unresolved fear stemming from your previous attachments is one of the reasons. Pride and ego, too. You may even be angry or resent your #Twin for coming into your life when you were not fully free.
These emotions all come from limited or negative thinking. Like not feeling worthy or deserving of the gifts your #Twin freely gives to you, unsure you can return those same gifts. Gifts like unconditional love. But you are a #TwinFlame; you have the capacity to overcome whatever stands between you and reunion with your #Twin.
So, if you feel like our reader and wonder why you met your #Twin when you "can't really be together," know that you met because you are supposed to be together. And, more importantly, you will reunite again. You are meant to. It is your miracle. You were born to experience it. There is no other human being who can cast judgement on what the Universe or God or Heaven or whatever you wish to call that which is bigger than us, has chosen for you. The rules of man do not apply to the soul. Or, to any cosmic truth. You must listen to your soul--your true self--and operate from a place of positive energy.
What makes you happy? Where is your bliss??? If you have experienced #TwinFlame-Union, you know that no one and nothing else makes you feel happier than being around your #Twin. Your soul literally rejoices. Whatever problems caused you to separate likely have nothing to do with the two of you directly, but instead, with previous social contracts and negative attachments. By the way, you know you are on the correct path when you encounter reluctance and/or resistance from others.
You have but one #Twin out of the seven-billion people on this planet. Together, you are a total miracle. Once your negative attachments are cleared, there is nothing holding either of you back from reuniting. During separation, make your life as positive as possible. If that means recognizing familial and/or spousal abuse, work on understanding that you do not need acceptance or love from people who are incapable of giving either. If it means permanently breaking from a negative relationship, do that. If it means educating yourself to earn more and afford things like a home for you and your #Twin, do that. If it means seeking new employment, moving to a new area, or just getting physically and/or mentally healthier, do it. Make the effort. Take the time. When you have made every positive change you can, not only will you have a better life yourself, you will be more than ready to reunite with your #Twin permanently. You will also be ready to reach out and once again connect with your #Twin in the physical world, forgiving whatever difficulties arose during the early stages of separation and acknowledging your responsibility in all of it to your #Twin. If it has been months or years since you and your #Twin have physically spoken, try starting a conversation where you let your #Twin know you love them, honestly acknowledging your accountability. And, this time, when you finally find yourselves in each other's arms again, there will be no reason for either of you to ever let go....
You will know, unequivocally, that you and your #Twin are "real," that you are not crazy even if it feels that way, and, that you are meant to be with that person and no one else. Change can happen in an hour, in a minute, in a second...but true growth takes time. You will get to that place where you realize there is no "can't" between you and your #Twin. No matter how "impossible" it may seem, you are living, breathing miracles. The very definition of a miracle is to make the impossible, possible. But no one can do it for you. Miracles happen when we put ourselves out there to experience that light. If you physically walked away from your #Twin, causing the initial separation, you will have to physically walk back to first repair before coming into ultimate reunion.
Balance in action and thought is very important in the #TwinFlame journey. We must take care not to repeat old wounds by avoiding negative thought, which leads to negative action. When you operate from a place of positive energy, even when negatives surface between you and your #Twin, whether in separation or reunion, recognize it as an opportunity to permanently clear those things from your relationship. Problems do not exist in a #TwinFlame union; there are only solutions because everything comes from a place of unconditional love.
But my #Twin and I are still separated. What do I do now?
Send your #Twin positives by opening your heart and mind for a few minutes or more each day if separated. Reach out when you have begun to clear the negatives, automatically building positives into your life. You don't have to wait though. You can talk to your #Twin through your connection as well as through physical means like calls or texts, emails or letters. There are no limits on unconditional love so there are no limits on #TwinFlames at any point in their journey.
Limits derive from negative energy. Any limits you experience as #TwinFlames are because you have accepted those limits as "real," likely because of previous attachments and old patterns that can often be traced back to infancy. Whenever you feel the negatives creep in to your brain after reunion, look into your #Twin's eyes and ask for confirmation of what is real. Connecting with your #Twin spiritually and physically will help you stay centered in positive energy...for the rest of your life. That means your life will drastically improve. And, continue to get better over time. Have faith in yourself and your #Twin. Believe the miracle is possible. Because, it is. More than that, it's probable, too.
#TwinFlames have been given the rare opportunity for guaranteed joy, peace, happiness, and unconditional love. Once you are strong in that knowledge, you and your #Twin will feel spiritually aligned, even if temporarily separated. Get yourself healthy in every way possible in the physical world and reconnect with your #Twin as soon as you can.
If you're waiting for the "right moment," don't. That is simply adding unnecessary drama. What you have is pure. Divine. Walk away from old social patterns that perpetuate negative energy and create limits. It only complicates what is the simplest thing in the entire Universe: Unconditional love. You are moving on from the old ideas of love and marriage. Evolving. And, evolution does not stop, even if you aren't sure you want to evolve. Not wanting to improve your life is a sure sign of self-sabotage from early life experience like abuse or betrayal of a parent. Clear those negative attachments! Or at least, begin the process and commit to completing it. Your #Twin can help you. You are here together for that very reason.
No more attempting to place limits where there are none. Feel only joy at having what is truly a rare gift. How rare? One in seven-billion....
#1111 Cosmic Post-Script: Wednesday, March 23rd, into Thursday, March 24th, is a Lunar Eclipse; this will affect #TwinFlames, especially those born under #Pisces. And, there is a cosmic opposition following the Lunar Eclipse to Jupiter, the expander, and one of #Pisces ruling planets. Just remember, any negatives that surface are doing so to be cleared so you can get closer to reunion with your #Twin. #Aries energy, especially for the rare #Pisces with #Aries in their birth chart, will help all #Twins get over any speed bumps quickly. Saturn will be in retrograde for a number of months to come, which pushes us all to face those things we have been avoiding or putting off. When you feel challenged on your #TwinFlame journey, meditate or think about the positives you feel when your mind centers on your #Twin. THAT is the reality that waits for you when you have cleared the negatives and other attachments that no longer aid in bringing you closer to unconditional love. Think positive, act positive! Give unconditional love, receive unconditional love! You are truly unlimited; whatever, whoever, imposes the opposite needs to be cleared from your life. Only experiences and people who expand your world are worth holding on to. Because, you are a #TwinFlame. You are a living, breathing miracle.
Remember who you are and never get lost again....