We move through space, from one point, to the next, to the next. Even when sitting still. While we sit idle, what we ride though the Universe, Earth, isn't. Our planet is constantly rotating through space. And around Earth, our Moon. And Earth, the Sun. The symmetry of it, the graceful beauty, makes one want to weep. It seems miraculous to us in much the same way a baby finds the moving pictures that appear from seemingly nowhere on a television magical. And that proves our infancy. As do so many other human inventions...like hatred.
I hate. You hate. We all hate. What's infantile isn't that we emote hate. Hatred goes hand-in-hand with fear, and fear is the one emotion we're born with. Can't do much about that. And wouldn't want to. Fear helps us to survive. It's how we react to those feelings of hate that makes our immaturity clear. Very. Clear.
We see difference and automatically, fear begins to rise. Again, it's survival. Being able to differentiate was an important part of our evolution. Still is. But we're not talking about differentiating between a bear with big teeth and claws versus a soft, fuzzy lamb--one wants to eat you while the other is easy to eat. Again, that was early human thought. Today, we make our own food, our own protein (though a majority of humans still insist on sustaining their lives on unnecessary death--not exactly evidence of our superiority). We have secure shelters. We don't need fire to create heat. We have indoor plumbing and running, mostly clean water. We still don't have fangs or claws, but we have tools like guns, swords and knives. Our large, complex brains and opposable thumbs have allowed us to "evolve." But those two physical attributes aren't soley responsible. Enter our relationship with dogs.
That's right. Dogs. Without them, we wouldn't have survived as long as we have. Didn't know that, did you? It's true. And look at what canine loyalty has earned dogs? Our cruelty. Abuse. An avalanche of misplaced human hatred.
We're damned. Humans. Not because some man-made mythology says so. No. Because, frankly, we're not terribly bright. The time, energy and effort we put into advancing our technology has allowed us to stagnate in our psycho-social evolution. Again, short-sighted, meaning short on intelligence. That's a choice by the way. Dogs have proven that.
They don't have the same oral anatomy so can't form words as we do, yet dogs, with their "lesser" brains, have learned our language. And not just the words.
Dogs can read our body language and facial expressions--even differentiate the tone and volume of our voices--with a terrific degree of accuracy. Their brains aren't structured like ours so don't organize language in the same way, yet dogs can understand single words...lots of them. Ironically, Time magazine used a gifted Australian shepard in their article that claimed dogs could understand upwards of 250 words. Sounds hard to believe. Unless you know a dog.
Dogs have facial recognition, long-term memory, complex emotions, and emotional responses; they are pragmatic, practical creatures whose unwavering loyalty makes them fierce protectors and the most caring, devoted friends. Dogs don't keep score or hold grudges. Dogs, who humans think of as "lesser" beings, have evolved--beyond us. They don't rely on technology or tools, and so, their intelligence has expanded. While we humans, well, we still act on hate. And myths like time...and religion.
What we think we know isn't as accurate as what we don't yet recognize or understand. Meaning, we don't get it, and don't want to. We choose ignorance--the excuse of the apathetic--over truth, and do this over and over again, ad infinitum. Our "advanced" brains are sick. We're too egotistical. Our evolution included being selfish as a mode of self-preservation. But because we haven't had a psycho-social evolution in over 10,000 years and certainly longer--that's just when the earliest evidence of philosophy emerges in human history--self-preservation became perverted. Our egos, over-developed. And today, we're consumed by our hatred, teetering on our fragile egos.
Road rage. Child abuse. Rape. Racism. Ageism. Disability discrimination. Elitism. Animal abuse. Sex slavery. Bullying. Torture. Neglect. Domestic violence. There's no end to the horrors derived by humanity.
They say time heals all wounds... but time doesn't exist.
We do.