The evening before, a double-rainbow appeared in the sky. My time in #ATL has led me here. To a synchronous #Universe. The #cosmic movement of that event created a ripple effect that is taking me from my beloved mountains to the heart of the city itself. And what a city it is!
#Atlanta embraced me when I was down; she helped me dust off the broken pieces of shattered heart and refill the holes left by jealous, fearful arrows. Where I had no family, no friends, I now have an entire tribe. The running joke is that, in less than six months, I met half of Greater Atlanta. I certainly don't know 3,000,000 people...but it sure feels like it sometimes!
The South has always felt right to me; it was always home, even before I moved here. Of all the beautiful #Southern cities, and there are many, #ATL is my favorite. It feels like #Boston in some ways, #San Diego in others. Sometimes, I get a taste of my beloved #FingerLakes in #NewYork. There's a little #Nashville, too. And when you head to where I will wake up every morning come September, I even get a hint of downtown #LosAngeles. It's not just the diverse cultures, the music, the incredible food, the mountains, or the's the colors. They're more vibrant. Every sunrise and every sunset belongs on a postcard. Vivid and full of life, #Atlanta is also full of something else: Magic.
When a fog thick as pea soup rolls in, or the moon shines full and bright as big as you please, you have to wonder if you've stumbled into a fairy tale or ghost story. There's a rhythm to the people, the city, the roads that is totally unique. I fell in love last January when I first arrived. I'd sit at this Starbucks perched on a hill and look out at the mountains as the sun set low in the sky. When I'm away, like right now, I miss it. Home. I've been all over the world, literally. But the city I would choose to live in isn't #London or #Sydney or #Frankfurt--though I love all three dearly. The place I would choose to put down roots will always be #Atlanta. I'm very proud to call her my city. And look forward to doing so for a very long time.
I think #Atlanta feels the same way about me, too. On a recent road trip up #North, my GPS kept trying to get me back to the #South. It got so bad, I had to turn the darned thing off! Between that, and random sticky notes appearing out of nowhere from a friend in Atlanta, the trip to #NewYork has been interesting. No matter where I am, all roads lead to #TheSouth. Might explain a few other things as well....
Real life moves as if I'm in #Aboriginal #Dreamtime when in #ATL. I got to know #Aboriginal culture better during my three years at University of New South Wales in Sydney, #Australia. I have two paintings hanging in my #ATL home right now made with #Aboriginal hands. One is of two lovers meeting; the second warns about extinction. Though I was a good decade away from my move to #ATL, those painted moments hinted at what was to come. So much has. Thanks to the #Magic of #ATL, I find more meaning in every day life, taking even less for granted than I did before. I am also more connected to #Nature than ever, evidenced by my brown skin. Always outdoors more than in, but not always in a bikini.
Thanks to #Atlanta, I'm truly happy. There are still miles to go before I sleep, and so many question marks ahead on my long road. But the road meanders a bit. That is, until I decide I'm ready for the home-stretch. I've asked for five more healthy years to get things done. Fingers crossed!
After all, I do live in #TheSouth....