STOP looking backward. START moving forward.
I dare you.
Take responsibility. Hold yourself accountable. Speak the words, "I'm truly sorry," and mean it.
I dare you.
Ask for forgiveness; do not expect anything in return.
I dare you.
Humble yourself. Come clean. Speak and act with integrity. With honor.
I dare you.
Be strong. Brave. Walk away from toxic influences and never, ever look back.
I dare you.
Silence the excuses. Go after what you want, even if that means risking rejection.
I dare you.
Stop surviving. Start thriving. Not tomorrow. TODAY.
I dare you.
Do something--anything--but what you've been doing for the last three years.
I dare you.
You have only two choices from here--accept the dares, or, concede to the truth.
Good luck....