You are dark trees silhouetted against a fiery sunset sky
You are stretches of wispy, white cloud ablaze with pinks and oranges
You are still water reflecting the wild world around you
You are tawny long grass, waving at me in the whispering wind
You are blue mountains in the distance, beckoning me to adventure
You are an azure sky, challenging me to stretch my wings and cross the ocean
You are the gray in the periphery, where the thin places (and people) move in clandestine patterns
You are the magic in an island of ever-greens amidst a black sea dotted with the velvet complexions of secretive selkies
You are all that, and much more
You are me, thinking of you
I am you, thinking of me
We are two halves of the same whole, the same soul
I'm sorry I'm a little broken and not as pretty and fresh as I once was
You are a little broken, too
But I love you all the more for it
For your strength
For your fortitude
For your kindness
For you....
You are indeed all the wonder in this wide world, and the next and the next, and the next
You are the music of my heart
But I do not wish to own you
My only wish is for you to be free
For you to be happy
And, have all your material needs met
We are the same, with long feathered wings dragging on the dusty ground behind us
Wing-walkers recognize each other
Your light is not like the others though
Because, it is my light, too
I just didn't expect to see it coming from you
Oh, you are all the wonders in this world
Trees silhouetted against a Leo sky
Stretches of cottony cloud set ablaze with pretty pinks and outlandish orange
Still waters running deep, and deeper still, as you reflect the world around us
Tawny grass waving at me to cross the great ocean as the whispering wind carries your breath to my ear
You are the mountains, too, inviting me on the adventure of a lifetime
To climb higher
Be better
And, more patient
Yes, you are all the wonder in the world
You are my light in the darkness
You are the voice that tells me to get up when I fall
You are the hero of my heart
My own personal cheering section
Because you exist
I do, too
Perhaps one day, we will meet amidst the ancient stones
As we did in the past
As we're destined to in the future
Time is a loaf of bread
We may slice it and dice it hither and tither
But it is still a loaf of bread
It still existed as a whole
So. Do. We.
Michael walks with you
Your ruling planet went retrograde the day before
We never had a real chance, did we?
Except, the Universe brought us together anyway
Just so we could meet
You, a day early
Me, a day late
Angels are the messengers of miracles, after all
We were each other's miracle
And, we will be again, and again, and again...until the stars stop shining in the night sky
Mo Gra, you truly are all the wonders within this great world
For that--and for you--I am eternally grateful.