You may know Tom from his many books like his most recent, Twisdom, on the wisdom of Twitter, or from his appearances on TV. You may also know Tom from his Huffington Post philosophy column (Arianna Huffington is always on the cutting edge--we love you, Arianna!). Speaking of which, Tom interviewed me for that very column in April on the latest vamp pop culture vulture news, including Stephenie Meyer's The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner, the upcoming HBO True Blood premiere on June 13th, and of course, Eclipse, the third installment of the Twilight film franchise being released in the States on June 30th. And amidst all of it, we have my book on True Blood & Philosophy: We Wanna Think Bad Things with You (with George A. Dunn; Wiley, 2010)--which just hit stores this week. And don't worry, Twi-hards, you're covered, too, with Twilight & Philosophy: Vampires, Vegetarians and the Pursuit of Immortality (with J. Jeremy Wisnewski; Wiley, 2009).
Both books are in translation--the Twilight book is in English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, and Russian and is also available from Audible (an Amazon company) as an audio book (which I voiced...eek). The True Blood book, newly released, will also be available in far. I'm hopeful our friends at Wiley VCH in Germany will give the German-speaking fans a translation, too. And our Portuguese-speaking fans worldwide enjoy both Twilight & Philosophy and my other book X-Men & we hope to see a Portuguese translation of True Blood & Philosophy as well. But why stop there??? Unfortunately, I don't get to decide what languages the books are translated into--because if it were MY decision, everyone all over the world would have equal opportunity to read. But that sense of equality and empowerment is what's behind the latest vamp-driven craze maze of pop culture; we humans tend to feel our vulnerability most acutely during times of distress, and no matter what side of the political fence you fall on, you know what I'm talking about....
So while today's entry is brief, hopefully, you can still sink your fangs into Tom's meaty interview on Huffington Post:
And if you feel so compelled, let me know what you think!
Until next time, dearest readers...