Double-ten simplifies to #11, the primary "Master Number" that represents awakening and unconditional love. But, it's not just #1010; it's October 10, 2017, and #2017 also simplifies to #10. That means today is actually a trinity of #10's, or three-times the power of #10. Three #10's simplify to #111, the number that indicates anything is possible and wakes us up to the power of our own thoughts manifesting reality itself. That doesn't mean you can win the heart of the girl that said no or can be the next Brad Pitt, or Seth Rogen, as the case may be. What it does mean is that if you have a professional goal, like becoming a doctor, or a personal goal, like competing in fitness competitions, you have all the light you need to make it happen. Not through luck or magic...through consistent effort. Hard-work. That's what creating something from nothing means. And, by no small coincidence, the number #10 represents the cosmos, or, creation itself. Change, evolution, awakening, and yes, chaos, are all part of the #1010 equation. The #1 leads, while the #0 implies the divine.
This morning, I saw #1010 a number of times before realizing it was also October the 10th. If you happen to see #1010 on repeat, too, it's believed to mean spiritual awakening and divine-drive toward attaining your soul-purpose...including finding your soul's other half. Raising your overall intentions and energy will help attract the right opportunities into your world. So will stepping out of your comfort zone....
When we take on any kind of creation, it's not exactly a neat process. It's messy. Chaotic. The other side of the #1010 coin. Evolution. Evolution takes eons. Earth evolved from a giant lava pit to a giant ocean, to a giant swamp, to being covered with ice, to the world we know and love today. Hundreds of species, if not thousands, were born but ended up dying out over the process. Dinosaurs and the dodos come to mind. Even humans look wholly different. I mean, at one point, we were completely covered with hair and had, not just opposable thumbs, but opposable big toes as well. So, when it comes to something like the evolution of love, you can bet there's going to be a little blood. Love is the ultimate creator, after all.
Every human being who exists, exists because of love. Without love, and all that goes along with it--attraction, chemistry, intimacy, sex--there would be no reproduction. Yes, yes, Japanese and Russian scientists are desperately seeking a way to reproduce without women, but at the moment, the creation of human life still requires male sperm to fertilize a female egg. That egg then gestates in the female owner of the egg, or a female surrogate, for seven-to-nine months. Boom! Human life. Almost everyone born before, say, 1995, comes from a natural fertilization and gestation process, or what I refer to as the labor(s) of love.
Royal families in Europe called reproduction "the great work." And, it had very little to do with love. But, the kings and queens of old had to at least pretend to love each other. Of course, there was more than one royal baby conceived outside of the official marriage bed, too. Which brings me to another your relationship.
It's not a terribly happy place to be. When you have had a long-term partner and something just feels wrong, you're not sure anything will ever make it right again. #1010 is a call to #ChooseHappy. But, in order to do that, you have to become mindful. Self-aware. That means you also have to stop being complacent. Not as easy as it sounds....
Self-responsibility means discipline. Focus. Drive. You can't sit back and wait for Fate to take over. Fate always equals suffering. But action, or, making a decision (and seeing it through) always equals positive momentum. Destiny, therefore, is a choice.
What's yours going to be???
#1010 encourages us all to be proactive, not reactive--which is interesting, given that today is also #WorldMentalHealthDay. Reactive folks are often frustrated, angry, depressed, anxious, codependent, under-educated, and under-employed--in other words, vulnerable. Addiction, for example, is based on reactive behavior. So is crime. On the flip side, proactive individuals are more likely to be physically and mentally fit, confident, happy, educated, and gainfully employed.
When you think of it like that, it's hard to understand why anyone wouldn't choose to be proactive. But, psychology tends to complicate things. Self-sabotage, self-loathing, self-punishment--these are all deeply embedded unconscious behaviors learned in childhood. You may not even be aware of why you find that guy or girl attractive--the one who has more problems and disconnects than anyone you've ever met. Which makes them more vulnerable, too. Making yourself vulnerable to a person who is not in control is like insuring that you will be betrayed in the future. Because, the vulnerable have to lie, cheat, and steal. For whatever reason, the world has made it so these folks can't get ahead any other way.
Sometimes it's gender, or race, or abuse, but whatever the reason, if you love a vulnerable person, the only way to make a true partnership possible is to empower that individual. When you do, and that person balks, choosing to remain a victim---end it. Because, it will end anyway. Anyone with learned helplessness also suffers from institutionalization and a variation of Stockholm Syndrome. Whoever caused their vulnerability is who is in control--not them, or you. And, until a vulnerable person is willing to take back control and be self-responsible, loving them will only ever cause you pain. Because, that individual's vulnerability makes it impossible to choose you, even if he or she really loves you. You have to ask yourself, then, why choose to put yourself in that situation? What are your disconnects???
The caveat is, we don't always make toxic choices--we can inherit them, too. Like with family. As a result, we often find that the people we were born to love may also be toxic, undermining our ability to choose happiness. How? By demanding our time, energy, effort, and resources as a reaction to their own misery. Ironically, toxic folks tend to withhold the very things they themselves demand. Not fun...not fun at all.
Whether family or not, taking a person for granted is the number-one reason relationships end. When you don't appreciate what you have, everything you do and say derives from a place of negative energy. Rather than seeking solutions, you place problems above the people you claim to care for. That's essentially attitude over gratitude. Being grateful requires you to also be self-aware. That means unplugging. It means putting down your phone. Getting out in nature. Volunteering in your community. Taking a class. Going to the library or park. In other words, engaging with real people in real time.
Ouch. Tearing off the sticky tech-bandage hurts. But, as today is October 10th, or #1010, it seems we're all being called to do just that.
Time to wake up and create the life you've always wanted to live--and that includes connecting with not just good love, but great love. You only get to live this lifetime once. No whining. No excuses. No fear. Today is the day you #ChooseHappy. That makes tomorrow the day you roll up your sleeves and get to work....
#AwakeLife #TwinFlame Post-script: Tomorrow, 10.11.17, simplifies to an #1111 day--another call to awaken, but to awaken to unconditional love. Enter #TwinFlames. The #TwinFlame monomyth refers to two halves of one soul separated-at-Earth into two bodies. #1111 represents those #TwinSouls or #TwinFlames. A #TwinFlame is not the same as a soul mate. We have many soul mates throughout our lifetimes--people that aid your soul in making reparations in order to find your true purpose. But a #TwinFlame is theorized to be different--literally, your other half. When you see #1111 on repeat, it signifies a spiritual awakening, bringing you closer to uniting, or reuniting, with your other half. However, obsessing over who that is, or isn't, is self-sabotage. Sometimes, we meet a person we think is our other half and when things end, it hurts harder than you imagine possible. Though that pain may never go away completely, we are all responsible for our own happiness. So, stay positive. No matter what. You are not here to suffer. You're here to live your best life--broken heart and all. Broken hearts are actually behind some of the best literature, art, music, performances, philosophy, landscapes, and architecture known to human-kind. Embrace yours. Make your best art. If the person you think is your #Twin is abusive and/or AWOL, find yourself a soul mate from one of the seven-billion people on the planet and truly live. Remember: No whining. No excuses. No fear. #ChooseHappy! I believe in you...but you have to believe, too.