Gal Gadot and I are cut from the same cloth. Literally. And I L-O-V-E seeing my soul-sister on the big screen. She is one KICK-ASS #WonderWoman. The movie has been out for all of a day, and it's already breaking records. If any of my readers heard me May 22nd on #CoffeeWithCurmudgeons in #PDX, you know that I called that WAY ahead of time. I also called out anyone who compared #WonderWoman to other DC properties. Why? Because hegemonic discourse is extremely pervasive. So pervasive, in fact, some guy in Austin, Texas decided to write a letter to their mayor about how women are "a second-rate gender."
Someone has his panties in a bunch, eh???
Once you've stopped laughing at this Neanderthal's giant faux-pas, you can laugh at Lebanon's. The country banned #WonderWoman from their theatres because my girl Gal is Jewish. Yes, the government's official stance is that it's at war with Israel and Gal Gadot is Israeli, but we all know it's because she's Jewish from a Jewish State. While anti-Semitism is no joke, it is rather amusing that Lebanon's big denouncement encompasses all of ELEVEN cinemas. Not exactly a big monetary loss for the studios, Gadot, or anyone else for that matter. Except, of course, the Lebanese citizens being denied the opportunity to see one of the most awesome superhero blockbusters of all time....
Hey, none of the above is a big shock. It's not just a Jewish-thing; it's a woman-thing. Women are treated badly all over the globe. To such an extent, the World Economic Forum in 2016 showed that women are asked to do 75% of the free labor in 144 countries...that roughly equates to the tune of trillions. As in TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS. The same report showed a financial gap between men and women that also equated to trillions. Essentially, that guy in Austin, Texas isn't alone. Not by a long shot.
Even the most liberal-minded man may find himself hedging on seeing #WonderWoman as opposed to ANY other male-oriented superhero flick. Same thing happened with the 2016 all-female cast of Ghostbusters. The majority of films since Hollywood began have been focused on men. Male leads, male casts male directors, male writers, male producers...and, when women have been in film, it was only to help promote masculinity. To such an extent, that the Bechdel Test was created (meaning, at least two females are featured talking to each other, but not about a male). The Bechdel Test is enforced by watch-dog groups like Bitch Pack in LA, who curate a list of scripts for studios that have actually passed the test. Sadly, it's a rather short list. And this is 97 years after women got the right to vote. Of course, it only took about 70 years of collective efforts for that change to happen in the first place. But then again, African-American males could vote in 1870, yet nearly 100 years later, it was necessary for Dr. Martin Luther King to start the Civil Rights Movement. And yes, more than 50 years since, there are still disconnects like racial profiling--people have died simply because their skin was darker than someone else's. In 2017! SO, it's not a stretch to see how the dominant social group is still resistant to women (of all ethnicities) on pretty much every level, including the silver screen.
What can I say to change your minds about #WonderWoman??? Given that was my nickname, I may be able to help wet your whistle, as it were:
First of all, #WonderWoman was a created because the man who created her, William Moulton Marston, was into, I'm not kidding. Marston was married but also had a relationship with a young, hawt college student named Olive. And, Olive was in charge...oh yes, yes she was. That's where #WonderWoman's magical lasso of truth comes get all tied up and then you HAVE to tell the truth, or, you'll be punished.
Marston also created the predecessor to the modern-day lie detector test after kinky foreplay's true.
#WonderWoman was actually the idea of Marston's wife, Elizabeth. #WonderWoman's character had elements of both Olive and Elizabeth...for example, her bracelets are fashioned after bracelets that Olive donned on a daily basis, while her fortitude and determination were all Elizabeth, who outlived both Marston and Olive until her 100th year on the planet! But it was an article written by Olive that connected Marston to his future comic book publisher.
Marston has five children total, two with Olive and three with Elizabeth. Sadly, Marston died before turning 54 from skin cancer. Marston advocated for women throughout his life. He believed the key to peace on Earth was for people to learn how to be bound, or rather, submit to another human being. If you've ever had the opportunity to enjoy a little kink in the bedroom, you might agree, too. There's no greater sense of joy or peace or ultimate bliss than a little tie-me-up-tie-me-down, but I digress....
It is also quite a happy turn that #WonderWoman is named #WonderWoman, because, she was originally called #Suprema. What's in a name??? Try $100-million! Yup, that's the projection for this weekend. Haters are gonna hate, but #WonderWoman will always find a way to come out on top.
Kudos to Director, Patty Jenkins. Zack Snyder was one of three men to write and create the storyline for the film, with obvious credit to Marston for his original concept. But it is Gal Gadot who steals the show...quite literally. Her #WonderWoman is a wonder indeed. I can't help but think of how much Marston would have liked Gadot. You'll like her, too. I promise. And, I ALWAYS keep my promises.
Even Rotten Tomatoes gave #WonderWoman their stamp of approval as #CertifiedFresh, so, don't be left out in the cold this summer just because #WonderWoman hits like a girl. Besides, you might like it rough....
See you at the movies!
*Thanks to Warner Bros Studios and DC Comics for the trailer and image insert!