Poor Chris Meloni. I knew that was coming so was unable to post my review of 5.5 before 5.6...too many spoilers. But isn't that why you read these reviews???
Russell is back! And with a vengeance. He's quite right about the hipocrysy behind The Authority. But Roman was also quite right about Russell's sadism. Sadly, Roman is now...incapcitated. And all of his chancellors, just standing around and watching. Caught by surprise, you say? It was unexpected? Uh huh. Keep watching. It ain't over 'til it's over. That's why the best quote of both shows belongs to Russell Edgington, played invigoratingly-well by one of my all-time favorite actors, Denis O'Hare:
"You are idiots! You're no better than humans with your absurd magical thinking...."
A close second (also from Russell)? "Peace is for pussies!"
Speaking of which, a baby-vamp girl fight??? Oh yes! But Jess was overpowered by Tara, even though Jess is older. The thing is, Eric isn't just strong because he's 1,000-years old; he's strong because as a human, he was a real, live Viking! Tara kicked butt as a human; it only makes sense her human power is magnified as a vamp.
And "Miss Pammy" is earning that Emmy again! You can see the damage all over her--from her exaggerated hair, to her red leather outfit, to her vampy-shade of lipstick. She seems to be both attracted and repelled by her progeny, like a real mother might be who was forced into having a child by unfortunate circumstances...also known as life. The nuanced performance better get at least a nod, or the people on the committee are sleeping through the season.
There really is no rest for the weary; Lafayette is summoned to his mother's bed side after seeing a frightening vision of Jesus' head with a stitched mouth. Kind of horrific, actually. Guess who's going to Mexico! No margaritas on this trip though. Lafayette will have to face Jesus' crazy brujo grandfather next episode.
"The Evil" plaguing Terry is called an "Ifrit." Now, an "ifrit", pronounced "ee-f-reet," is a fire demon that lived outside of Arab society but could sometimes marry within that society; in Egypt, ifrit's were shapeshifting demon-dogs who would lure unsuspecting innocents into the desert to be lost forever. Just to be clear, the word "ifrit" is derived from the very ancient Afro-asiatic language family that spawned not only Arabic, but Urdu, Farsi, Turkish, Egyptian, and, oh, look at that, Hebrew. Guess what the word for "Hebrew" is in the original language? "Ivrit." Pronounced "ee-v-reet." Are you picking up what I'm putting down???
The evil demons were symbolic for Jews, openly villified in Arabic and Islamic cultures. Think about it? Desert-dwelling demons who could shapeshift to lure innocents away, changing them forever? Or evil demons who lived on the fringes of Arab society and sometimes married within it? All I have to say to that is: Oy vey.
I very PUBLICALLY defended you, True Blood, when you used a Hebrew-esque language while portraying a blood ritual. TB-writers, you can't be ignorant of the blood libel myth with all the research you've been doing on Lilith. For reals, people. I'm so very disappointed in you. All of you. You'd better turn that storyline around because right now, it's looking like Season Five has not-so-subtle anti-Semitic themes. Yuck.
Would you like some hate with your Trublood? Um. No, thanks.
Sam and Luna survive the hick-shooting and so does Emma, who ran to her grandmama's house for sanctuary. Martha, seen in the insert (a scene from a future episode), recognized her wolf-cub grand-daughter immediately. You've seen Martha in action in earlier episodes...what do you think she's going to do now that her blood is being threatened again? Never come between a mother and her cub--whether human, wolf, or a little of both.
Jason and Sookie find the Faery nightclub and get some much needed clarity; in the books, it's other Fae who kill their parents, not a vampire attracted to Sookie's blood. But whatever works. You can be sure that we'll learn the identity of the mysterious vampire by the end of the season--whether or not that revelation will evoke audience satisfaction is yet to be determined.
Sookie removed Alcide's glamour-puss. Will there be more hot scenes between the two? Stay tuned!!!
Sam saves Andy from the owner of the aptly named, "Stake House," on the phone with the hick-hate-crimers when Andy approaches the counter. The hick-haters, in a weird turn, save the apparently suicidal Hoyt from certain death just outside of Fangtasia. Bet you a ten-spot Hoyt dons an Obama mask and begins shouting, "Yes we can!" in upcoming episodes. FORWARD!
Salome? The ring leader of the fanged-religious right? Or, is she Lilith herself? Whatever she is, whoever she is, she drives the plot this season. The puppeteer pulling vampy-strings--even Russell Edgington's.
Gotta love the imagery at the end of 5.6--Nora is prostrate in the shape of a cross--inverted by the camera angle as it turns. Could that mean that 5.6 is a turning point in the Season? No! That's not obvious at all. Not at all....
Sarcasm aside, I still hold out hope for 5.7. Although 5.6 is titled "Hopeless." Well, it certainly lived up to its prophetic name.
Don't forget to read more philosophical philanderings in TRUE BLOOD & PHILOSOPHY: We Wanna THINK Bad Things with You in two editions and multiple languages, available at major book retailers everywhere, including iTunes, Amazon and B&N for your iPad, Kindle, Nook, or favorite tablet technology!